Pattaya Sports Club continue help with education


Where would be without education!

We go to school for 11 years of our life, at least most of us do, starting at the age of 5, and how we perform, until the age of 16, determines how we lead the rest of our lives.

For many children in Thailand the cost of education is of great concern for many families. Uniforms are compulsory and although there is some help from the government, paying for everything that is required, which includes uniforms for the classroom (2 sets), sports, boy scout uniforms, books, school activity fees and travel expenses, puts enormous pressures on many families, particularly when the family has 2 or more children.

The YWCA ladies give a thank you letter to PSC.The YWCA ladies give a thank you letter to PSC.

Pattaya Sports Club has been donating funds to help children to continue their education for at least 15 years and jointly with YWCA for 10 years, helping hundreds of children complete their education and, to everyone’s delight, some have graduated from university with various qualifications. We will continue this support for as long as is required and it is heart warming to know that, with the support of Pattaya Sports Club, YWCA and others, many children are able to complete their education.

Some of the children that benefit from the PSC donation.Some of the children that benefit from the PSC donation.

A presentation is made every year to the students that have received support and it was a great pleasure to receive notes from the children, drawn by hand, to thank PSC for their contribution. That act of gratitude says it all.

One final act of madness was carried out by many of the YWCA ladies, as you can see, all dressed for the annual presentation. To raise funds for a particular project they had in mind, they invited some guests to pour buckets of iced water over their heads which was carried out with some sadistic pleasure by the guests – followed by a visit to the dry cleaners.

Children of all ages are involved.Children of all ages are involved.

All the guests that attended the presentation.All the guests that attended the presentation.

A valued letter from children to say “thank you PSC”.A valued letter from children to say “thank you PSC”.