Primary Swimming Galas at Regent’s


This week the Regent’s PE department hosted the Primary swimming galas. The swim galas are fully inclusive and every student must participate in at least one individual event and one team event.

The gala is run as a house competition with children representing their house and gaining valuable points for their team depending on their finish position in the race.

Year 1 having lots of fun in the pool. Year 1 having lots of fun in the pool.

The favorite for year 3 upwards is the hilarious tyre relay race, where students propel a huge inflatable ring across the water and then attempt to change over with their team mates. There were many capsizes and stranded swimmers which all added to the fun. However, there were also some great displays of teamwork and advanced technique from the older students.

As a department it was fantastic to see the progression the children make from year 1 width races with a kick board up to year 6 Individual Medley Relays where competitors swim 100m of butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and free style. I’d like to say a huge thank you to Miss Meena who organized the swimming galas and the teams.

Swimming quiz. Swimming quiz.

Getting competitive in a relay race. Getting competitive in a relay race.