Regents’ students earn Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards


Parents and teachers from Regents International School Pattaya joined three extraordinary students to celebrate their academic achievements at the Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award Ceremony, hosted by Bangkok Preparatory School.

Mr Steven Daly (Head of DT), Luke Daly, Dong Hyun Kim, Leonie Hoffman, Mrs Hyung Sun Kim (Korean Teacher), Mr Michael Thomas (Drama Teacher), Ms Claire Hullock (Head of Drama).
Mr Steven Daly (Head of DT), Luke Daly, Dong Hyun Kim, Leonie Hoffman, Mrs Hyung Sun Kim (Korean Teacher), Mr Michael Thomas (Drama Teacher), Ms Claire Hullock (Head of Drama).

Luke Daly received the award for Highest Examination Results in D&T in the World, Leonie Hoffman, Top in Thailand for Drama, and Dong Hyun Kim, High Achievement in First Language Korean.

These phenomenal individual results were the crowning achievements from an outstanding year group in which 90% achieved A*- C grades, defying the trend of declining results in the UK.

Awards were presented to the students by Ms Margaret Tongue, Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy and Ben Schmidt, Regional Director of Cambridge International South East Asia.

Mr Michael Seaton, Head of Secondary School, commented, “This was a very proud moment for the school. The students have proved beyond doubt that true grit, outstanding opportunities and expert guidance are the keys to success.”

Mr Michael Seaton (Head of Secondary School), Leonie Hoffman, Dong Hyun Kim, Luke Daly.
Mr Michael Seaton (Head of Secondary School), Leonie Hoffman, Dong Hyun Kim, Luke Daly.