Sattahip navy school kids perform ‘wai khru’ ceremony


Nearly 1,200 Sattahip students kicked off their 2011 academic year with a traditional “wai khru” ceremony in which students pay respect to their teachers for the upcoming term.

The school’s 1,150 students met June 16 – a Thursday, as that is the day for Brihaspati, the Vedic god of wisdom and teachers – to perform the wai khru, which is done in most Thai educational institutes at the start of each year. Capt. Bongkot Khayankarn, vice principal for the school administered by the Royal Thai Fleet, represented teachers and management at the annual ceremony.

Students recite a Buddhist prayer and wai khru chant, which expresses respect and gratitude for the teachers and asks for their blessing of the students’ studies.Students recite a Buddhist prayer and wai khru chant, which expresses respect and gratitude for the teachers and asks for their blessing of the students’ studies.

The festivities featured students presenting trays of flowers, incense and candles. The idea is that while the ixora, eggplant and Bermuda grass may not be especially beautiful on their own, together they comprise a lovely arrangement. The flowers also are symbols of intellectuality, progression, and susceptible patience. Wai khru ceremonies also see students recite a Buddhist prayer and wai khru chant, which expresses respect and gratitude for the teachers and asks for their blessing of the students’ studies.

The students present trays of flowers, incense and candles to their teachers.The students present trays of flowers, incense and candles to their teachers.

Following the presentation, Bongkot and teachers reciprocated by offering the students guidance for their academic careers. He said expressing gratitude is a good deed that will create good fortune.

“Parents intend to rely on you, a teacher intends to create a reputation, the nation intends to use your proficiency, and you are the prospect for it all,” Bongkot told the pupils.