St. Andrews attends Fobissea Model United Nations Conference


Between the 19th-21st of January, 20 student delegates and 4 teacher advisors from St. Andrews International School, Green Valley attended the 2nd Fobissea Model United Nations in Bangkok.

Students successfully prepared position papers related to human rights, the environment, economy and society politics and Security Council issues.  St. Andrews delegates worked with 275 students from various Asian nations to debate and ultimately create resolutions for the committee issues.

Students and delegates pose for a group photo at the Model United Nations Conference, Bangkok. Students and delegates pose for a group photo at the Model United Nations Conference, Bangkok.

They were very successful in maintaining the perspective of their assigned nations which included Greece, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Portugal, Romania, New Zealand, Liberia and Mexico.

This was a fantastic experience for the students which will certainly stand them in good stead in their future careers.