St Andrews students achieve sensational success


St Andrews year 13 graduating students once again achieved the very impressive record of a 100% IB Diploma pass rate. St Andrews students average diploma score of 32.33 compares very favourably to an international average of just under 30. Additionally, the students’ average subject score of 5.2 far exceeded international averages. Since its first graduating class in 2010, St Andrews has established a 95% Diploma Pass rate compared to an international average of approximately 78%.

It was not, however, only at IB level that St Andrews excelled academically. St Andrews students results at IGCSE level (end of year 11) were also outstanding. Grades at IGCSE level are awarded from A* – G with grades of A* – C being most valued. St Andrews students achieved grades of A* – C 89.2% of the time compared to a UK average of 68.1%. St Andrews students also achieved grades of A* and A 44.3% of the time compared to a UK average of 21.3% with every student studying Physics, Chemistry, Biology, French, Dutch and Mandarin achieving either and A* or A.

100% pass rate for our IB students!100% pass rate for our IB students!

St Andrews also prides itself on being an innovative school which pushes the boundaries and academically the students are pushed to take exams early whenever possible. Each year St Andrews Year 9 students sit the Cambridge English as a Second Language exam two years before the normal time. This year 96% of the Year 9 students passed this exam with grades of A* – C. An outstanding achievement!

Kitty achieves all As and A stars in her IGCSE exams.Kitty achieves all As and A stars in her IGCSE exams.