St Andrews’ students learn to be risk-takers and problem-solvers


On the night of the sleepover at St Andrews School we were all super excited. We put up our tents, with the help of teachers from around the school, and then we played team-building games and participated in a challenging ropes course.

For dinner we ate pizza, chicken, sticky rice and ice-cream (with some healthy food on the side!)  After dark we gathered around the fire to sing campfire songs and roast marshmallows, then finished our night with our teddies, listening to a bedtime story while drinking hot chocolate.

“I liked everything at the sleepover!” said Felicitas.“I liked everything at the sleepover!” said Felicitas.

On Friday morning we were all a bit tired (especially the teachers) so we tucked into a healthy breakfast of cereals and toast to give us some energy. We then had a fantastic time at the swimming pool, before continuing with our normal school timetable.

This was an extremely important experience for all the children where they learnt to be risk takers, problem solvers and communicators.  They really developed their independence and, above all, had loads of fun!

Berdy, one of the year 3 children, summed up the experience: “It was my first time to leave home and I went camping at school.  I took many things to school for this camping. At night I saw a campfire burning. I had hot chocolate at story time. At last I went into the tent and slept in my sleeping bag. What a nice camping day!”

“My favourite part of the sleepover was playing games because it was fun and made me healthy! And everything was wonderful, that was the best sleepover ever!” said Katee.“My favourite part of the sleepover was playing games because it was fun and made me healthy! And everything was wonderful, that was the best sleepover ever!” said Katee.

“The best part of the sleepover was when we did the rope challenge,” said Megan.“The best part of the sleepover was when we did the rope challenge,” said Megan.

Mr Cary let us have a lot of fun on the ropes course.Mr Cary let us have a lot of fun on the ropes course.

“My favourite part of the sleepover was sleeping in a tent.  It was my first time to sleep away from my family but I enjoyed it.  Jake was sending signals with his torch.  I sent back ‘ok’ with my torch,” said Chogoon.“My favourite part of the sleepover was sleeping in a tent.  It was my first time to sleep away from my family but I enjoyed it.  Jake was sending signals with his torch.  I sent back ‘ok’ with my torch,” said Chogoon.

“My favourite part of the sleepover was when I had cocoa with my friends and sleeping with my friends… and I liked to sing at the campfire,” said Gracie.“My favourite part of the sleepover was when I had cocoa with my friends and sleeping with my friends… and I liked to sing at the campfire,” said Gracie.

“I liked the part when I played games with my friends,” said Fiat.“I liked the part when I played games with my friends,” said Fiat.