Stunning exam results for GIS students


Students from Garden International School (GIS) have been celebrating some spectacular IGCSE results.

Seren was awarded an amazing 7 A*s and 1 A.
Seren was awarded an amazing 7 A*s and 1 A.

The IGCSEs are the world’s leading qualification for 16-year-olds. GIS students took these examinations in May and the results have just been announced.

Among the star students was Shilpi, who was awarded 7 A*s and 1 A. Getting an identical number of grades was Seren. Also doing brilliantly were Jignil and Shomit, who were both awarded 5 A*s and 3 As. In total, 75 percent of all entries were awarded a C grade or higher.

The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is run by Cambridge University and is the world’s leading examination for 16-year-olds. GIS is the most established IGCSE centre in the region. The school’s results are regularly far above the global average.

In addition, several Year 10 students took IGCSE Mathematics a year early, and all passed, while some Year 9 students took IGCSE English as a Second Language (ESL) – and had a 100 per cent success rate.

Shilpi now has a total of 7 A*s and 2 As IGCSE grades.
Shilpi now has a total of 7 A*s and 2 As IGCSE grades.

Mr Stokes, IGCSE Coordinator said, “These amazing results show the dedication of both our talented students and our teachers. The IGCSE is a major examination and we are very proud that GIS has again shown its results are well above average. To have so many subjects achieve 100 percent pass rates is remarkable.

“We are also delighted that so many of these students have stayed and have now started the IB Diploma Programme with a view to continuing their studies at world class universities in the future.”

GIS is based in Ban Chang near Pattaya. For more, visit