Father Corsie Legaspi insists that it is not he who does the healing, but it is God who through him heals the suffering of His children.
Father Corsie Legaspi, renowned divine healer arrived in Pattaya on October 21, to bring blessings of relief and healing to the faithful. Hundreds of devout followers and other members of the community thronged to St Nikolaus Catholic Church where the ceremonies were held.
Among those that had come for the divine healing was Ms. Rosa Ampat Sankary who said, “Three days ago I could not walk because of the pain I had to bear. With the help of a walker I came to seek Father Corsie’s blessing and pray that he could ease my suffering.
“Father Corsie laid his hands on me. I closed my eyes and put all my faith in the divine power of God. Gradually my pain subsided and I was able to slowly walk again. I am so overcome with joy and want to tell the world of this miracle.”
Rosa is just one of the thousands of people inflicted with pain and suffering who have sought help and healing from Father Corsie who insists that it is not he who does the healing, but it is God who through him heals the suffering of His children.
Another believer, Jonny Larsen said, “Nine years ago I was 90 percent blind and was on the verge of becoming totally blind. With divine faith and father Corsie’s healing, I have kept my eyesight.”
Many people who have had problems moving their limbs came to seek healing from the holy priest. One of them was my friend from Austria. She is able to move without pain again.
I too experienced Father Corsie’s divine healing. I had suffered from psoriasis and nothing seemed to cure it. So I asked Father Corsie to bless the soap I use and now the dreadful infliction has slowly cured and I am confident that it will disappear completely.
Father Corsie treated people suffering from other ailments by placing his hand on their forehead which induced a sense of ‘sleep’ whereby they fell backwards supported by helpers who lay them gently on the ground. This is called ‘slain in the spirit’.
After a while they ‘awoke’ from their divine sleep feeling a sense of hope in their hearts and a sense of calm in their souls.
I spoke to many of them and they all had this to say, “It was such a beautiful feeling, we thought we were resting in God’s lap. It is a miracle that we are healed.”
Father Corsie introduces four basic types of healing. Physical Healing refers to the healing of the physical aspects of the body, external and internal. This is what 90% of patients come to a healing session for. Then there is the Inner or Emotional Healing, which has to do with painful memories of past hurts. These hurts may lie buried in a person’s subconscious, and may at times become the cause of physical illness. The Spiritual Healing involves the vicious cycles of sin and the forgiveness of sin. Deliverance Healing means deliverance from demons and evil spirits. The Bible speaks of such healing as performed by Christ in His time. All those healing are again divided into: 1. Instant healing, wherein a person is healed on the spot, the next morning or a few days after the pray over; and 2. Progressive healing, requiring more trips to the healing service, or more praying over until a patient, gifted with the grace and mercy of God, is healed.
Thank you, Father Corsie Legaspi, for visiting Pattaya again and helping so many people to overcome their illness.
Father Corsie Legaspi will return to Pattaya in April 2011.