Foreign Chambers present funds to help underprivileged children in Thailand


Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand including the Australian-Thai Chamber of Commerce, British Chamber of Commerce Thailand, Franco-Thai Chamber of Commerce, Irish-Thai Chamber of Commerce, and New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce recently presented 258,000 baht in cash to Naksuu Tigers (Thai word for ‘Noble Warrior’) with its Rugby programme “Changing Lives Forever” that works for underprivileged children in the slum communities of Bangkok. The money was raised through sponsorship of the Combined Chambers Rugby World Cup Series of Events.

The Changing Lives Forever rugby programme has been running for over a year and there have been more than 200 kids who have joined the programme (weekly attendance averages about 100 kids). The kids get picked up and dropped off from 4 different slum communities around the city of Bangkok. The club helps provide opportunities for the kids to achieve more, outside of their normal circumstances, discover the passion for the game and dream of what their future might become.

Presenting at the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel are (left to right) Nikki Cox, President of New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce; Bobby Wills, representative of Changing Lives Forever; Telea Fakaua, representative of Changing Lives Forever; Sopo Fakaua, Academy Director of Changing Lives Forever; Grant Signal, committee member of New Zealand-Thai Chamber of Commerce; Andrew Lammont, Commercial Director of Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Co Ltd; Gregg Hirano, Vice President and Country Manager of MasterCard Worldwide; and Tiranaed Chariyavat of the Irish-Thai Chamber of Commerce.