Human Help Network Foundation and Green Pattaya clean Cosy Beach


Despite the hard rain that just ended before the cleaning started at 09.30, all 40 children from the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand and 10 volunteers turned out on October 20 to get busy cleaning the beach.

The effort began by cleaning the hillside leading down to Cosy Beach, and proceeded to clean the area just left of the stairs.  That area was more dirty than usual. Someone had started a small garbage dump behind the old boats with old food, oil, and garbage, creating a health risk and making it impossible for Green Pattaya to clean.

Children from the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand and 10 volunteers turned out on October 20 to clean Cosy Beach.Children from the Human Help Network Foundation Thailand and 10 volunteers turned out on October 20 to clean Cosy Beach.

At least the beach area was given a big makeover and the volunteers then took on the remainder of the beach, picking up small pieces of plastic, capsules and other dangerous items that children and mistake for food. 20 plastic bags full of garbage were collected.

Human Help Network Foundation Thailand donated 10,000 baht to Green Pattaya for their work to keep Pattaya clean.

However, the faulty pump is still not fixed and the whole area sadly smells. A big waterfall brings all the dirty water down to the beach, eroding the hill on its way. It looks like some beach vendors have decided that this part of the beach is their private garbage dump for their residence. Big tree houses have been built along the hill behind the beach houses and a big part of the jungle has big cut down. Cutting down plants and trees for illegal construction will sadly erode the whole cliff and sooner or later it will cause major problems for the area, unless something is done about it.

The next cleaning is also on Cosy Beach on the 8th November at 09.00 when the sponsor will be the International School of the Eastern Seaboard. This will be a small area cleaning dedicated to picking up plastic and other small items from the beach before it reaches the sea.