Icelanders remember friend with fundraiser for blind


Icelandic expats came together to raise money for Pattaya blind children in memory of a compatriot who recently passed away.

The Iceland Golf Club hosted a wake at the Wow Bar on Soi Buakhao Feb. 4 for member Ingi Magnfredsson, who recently died at the age of 71.

A donation box was passed around and 20,730 baht was raised for the Redemptorist School for the Blind.

The Iceland Golf Club hosted a wake at the Wow Bar on Soi Buakhao Feb. 4 for member Ingi Magnfredsson, who recently died at the age of 71.
The Iceland Golf Club hosted a wake at the Wow Bar on Soi Buakhao Feb. 4 for member Ingi Magnfredsson, who recently died at the age of 71.

The next day, club leader Malai Rattanaviset led a group of Icelanders to the Pattaya school where they presented the donation to school director, Chid Suknu.

The group also provided refreshments and took a tour of the school. During their stay, they also bought some of the flower arrangements, keychains and multipurpose boxes the kids make to generate spending money.

Chid thanked the expat golfers for their kindness.