Ladies Development Group reviews 2011 successes


Plans 2012 activities

The Pattaya Ladies Development Group plans to continue its work for the disadvantaged in 2012 with projects ranging from lunch for the disabled to motivational talks for teens.

At the group’s first meeting of the year, President Naowarat Khakhay reviewed the group’s success in helping flood victims and the poor in 2011 and set out the agenda for 2012.

Naowarat Khakhay (inset), president of Cultural Council and Ladies Development Group leads a meeting of the nearly 100 members of the group. Naowarat Khakhay (inset), president of Cultural Council and Ladies Development Group leads a meeting of the nearly 100 members of the group.

She urged members to investigate conditions in their neighborhood and bring to the club examples of disadvantaged people the Ladies Development Group could help. Second, she asked for speakers to provide advice to children entering their teenage years on understanding their parents having a positive attitude towards life.

Naowarat said the group’s first function of the year will happen early this month with a luncheon at Karunyawet School for the Disabled.