National Museum Volunteers opens branch in Pattaya


People living in Pattaya now have a new opportunity to learn about Thai history, arts and culture. The National Museum Volunteers (NMV), a non-profit organization which has served the National Museum Bangkok since 1969, has created a branch here in Pattaya.  The NMV Pattaya will provide interested people with the opportunity to study the art, history and culture of Thailand and its neighbors through lectures, workshops, excursions, and study groups.

NMV-Pattaya began in 2012. The first activities organized by long-time NMV Bangkok members, Victoria Kudriaseva and Margot Weinmann who live here in Pattaya, were a lecture to the Pattaya International Ladies Club, and the formation of a Study Group – a small group of people who researched a Thai cultural subject and made a presentation of their findings to their fellow researchers.  NMV-Pattaya has grown from five members to 23 members in the past year.

On March 15, the first NMV Pattaya meeting of 2013, was held at North Star Library and attended by Anita Laurilla, Diane Ciotti, Denise del Barto, Ann Winfield, Victoria Kudriasteva, Silvia Berra, Sue Kukarja and Elizabeth Wagner. (While only women are pictured, NMV is open to men and women.)On March 15, the first NMV Pattaya meeting of 2013, was held at North Star Library and attended by Anita Laurilla, Diane Ciotti, Denise del Barto, Ann Winfield, Victoria Kudriasteva, Silvia Berra, Sue Kukarja and Elizabeth Wagner. (While only women are pictured, NMV is open to men and women.)

Numerous activities have been planned for 2013, including a lecture series that will begin in April, and a Study Group that will begin in late May and run through mid-June.  The Study Group is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about Thailand, and willing to present the results of their study topic to the group.

The NMV is under the auspices of the Fine Arts Department of the National Museum.  Their purpose is to serve the National Museum in Bangkok and the public through activities that promote Thai arts, culture and heritage.

If you are interested in learning more about the NMV Pattaya, please contact: [email protected]