Pattaya society turns out for Rommel’s 70th birthday


Longtime expats and Rotarians helped collector and historian Max Rommel celebrate his 70th birthday at the Montien Hotel.

A founding member of the Pattaya Expats Club and past president of the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya, Rommel welcomed 59 friends and relatives to the hotel Jan. 15.

Jan Olav Aamlid presents Max Rommel with a volume of “Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung” newspaper issues from his birth year. Jan Olav Aamlid presents Max Rommel with a volume of “Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung” newspaper issues from his birth year.

Fellow Rotarian Jan Olav Aamlid, an avid coin collector and historian, surprised Max with a volume of “Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung” newspaper issues from his birth year. It came from a Norwegian University which has a complete collection of German newspapers from before World War II.

Honorary Consul form Italy Paolo Battaglino next bestowed Rommel with a certificate of merit for his work on setting up a sister-city relationship between municipalities in Germany and Italy, as well as a collection of 10,000 German-Italian books.

Videos and music rounded out the evening.