Pattaya Sports Club are delighted to be able to help with the new home of Hand to Hand


Duck Square, situated behind Big C South, is virtually deserted with the exception of a few sites that have immediate access to external roads around the site. But that does not stop cars and motorbikes using the internal roads as a shortcut and, usually, too quickly.

The children that attend Hand To Hand day-care centre are of pre-school age and live on construction sites and various slums in the area. Pre-school centres are essential to families who have very little income. The older children go to school but what happens to those under 5 years? One of the parents must stay at home to take care of them preventing that parent from working thereby helping the family’s finances, hence the importance of centres similar to Hand To Hand.

Margaret and Pai are happy - and why not?Margaret and Pai are happy – and why not?

Margaret and Pai run the pre-school Hand To Hand in Duck Square and have two major concerns. The safety of the young children that attend their centre just in case they venture onto the roads and secondly, bearing in mind the amount of development going on in Pattaya, at any time the owners could decide to reduce the buildings to rubble and develop what is a very large area. For some time they have been looking for an alternative building that could accommodate 60 children during the day with the issue of safety paramount in their minds.

There is a play area which is now safe from any traffic.There is a play area which is now safe from any traffic.

They have recently found the perfect location in the Khopai area of Pattaya with no busy roads to concern them and has everything that is needed to take care of the children. Reconstruction is now complete with ample toilet facilities, a kitchen, store areas and an external, grass covered, play area. Margaret, having been a teacher previously, has called on all her experience to have a medical room and separate areas where the children can learn to read and write to prepare them for the 10 years or so they will spend in school. The end result is a happy, colourful centre where the children can enjoy a really nice day.

The new centre is big and spacious.The new centre is big and spacious.

Donations have been made by a number of companies and individuals including Pattaya Sports Club who have provided funds to enable them to buy items that are needed: desks, toys, air conditioning and various items for storage.

Margaret and Pai never have a moment to themselves for, in addition to the day care centre, they visit the local prison three times per week to help those families that need help and make regular visits to the local slums. If you feel that you would like to make a contribution in any way, please contact William on 0861522754 or Margaret on 0890936067. Every little bit helps.

Sleep comes easy to young children.Sleep comes easy to young children.

The centre in Duck Square was very small.The centre in Duck Square was very small.

Here, volunteers are teaching the children to read and write.Here, volunteers are teaching the children to read and write.

The children say thank you to all the sponsors.The children say thank you to all the sponsors.