PILC brings music to Sanuk Day Care Center


A hundred smiling faces welcomed the Pattaya International Ladies Club and Pattaya Classic Music to the Sanuk Day Care Center for an afternoon of traditional Thai dance.

The children seemed to enjoy the Jan. 15 performances by three pupils from Pattaya Classic Music, as did the ladies’ club members.

PCM’s mission is to bring classical music to Pattaya and for profits to be donated to charities around the area. One of many purposes of PILC is to find out which charity projects need help and support.

The young dancers thank their benevolent audience.The young dancers thank their benevolent audience.

The Sanuk Center’s biggest need was staff, so it was decided the club would subsidize a new teacher’s salary for a year. Having met the children, members felt it made perfect sense to try to simulate their lives as much as possible and give them the best chances in life. An extra member of staff would help provide that.

PILC does more than help financially. Its members also support and help by volunteering every day. So the PILC welfare committee is always kept up to date of the needs and the status of the children.

The next concert organized by Pattaya Classic Music will be a visit by the Thai Philharmonic Orchestra on March 1 in an open-air field close to Siam Country Club. Entrance is free, but donations are appreciated.

For more information, see PattayaClassicalMusic.com or PILC-Pattaya.com

PILC President Helle Rantsen explains what the Sanuk Day Care Center does for local children.PILC President Helle Rantsen explains what the Sanuk Day Care Center does for local children.

The children seemed to enjoy the Jan. 15 performances by three pupils from Pattaya Classic Music, as did the ladies’ club members.The children seemed to enjoy the Jan. 15 performances by three pupils from Pattaya Classic Music, as did the ladies’ club members.

Children at the Sanuk Day Care Center sit and watch intently during the presentation of an afternoon of traditional Thai dance.Children at the Sanuk Day Care Center sit and watch intently during the presentation of an afternoon of traditional Thai dance.