PILC Holds its First Fundraiser of the Year


The Pattaya International Ladies Club (PILC) holds three major fundraisers a year, the first of which is the Annual Quiz Night. On March 31, the club held the Quiz Night at the Amari Nova Suites’ Afternoon Tea Room. Seventy-eight people attended and were divided into twelve teams of six. As the room held only 72 people, PILC was very happy with the turnout and everyone was accommodated.

The hotel provided a delicious dinner buffet for guests and the Afternoon Tea Room was beautifully detailed with velvet and chintz armchairs and sofas. Teams included a group from JVK (the evening’s corporate sponsors), the Father Ray Foundation, Foster Wheeler, the Regent’s International School, two teams from the Jesters, a number of people from the Pattaya City Expats Club, and a strong showing from PILC members, husbands, and friends. Each attendee received a t-shirt, and all ladies received two gifts each – a beautiful silk purse and beauty products – provided by Central Festival.

Quiz Master, Gillian Thom.Quiz Master, Gillian Thom.

The evening was opened by PILC president Ann Winfield, who thanked JVK International Movers for their generous sponsorship of the event. She then handed the microphone over to PILC member Gillian Thom, the Quiz Master and emcee for the evening.  Great fun was had by everyone as they vied to answer the most questions correctly, and Gillian made sure that no arguments broke out over different interpretations of the questions and answers. Everyone had a great time, and all agreed it was a really successful event.

The Father Ray Foundation’s team were first place winners, receiving a bottle of wine and gift certificates from Shenanigan’s Pub in Justine; second place winners were the JVK team and they received gift certificates for the Sunday Carvery from the Sportsman Pub on Soi 13 in Pattaya; the Mighty Anzacs (one of the Jester’s teams) came in third and received gift certificates from Casa Pascal on Second Road, and the “A for Effort” prize went to the Pattaya Diamonds who received certificates for Afternoon Tea at the Amari Nova Suites.

The fund-raising raffle went well, and a member of the Jesters won the first prize of a gift certificate to Gian’s Restaurant on Thappraya. Other prizes included crystal wine glasses, a bottle of apricot brandy, wine, jewelry, and many more items.

The team from the Father Ray Foundation took first prize.The team from the Father Ray Foundation took first prize.

At the close of the quiz, the PILC president again took the microphone to present JVK representatives Paul Wilkinson and Craig Somerville with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the ladies club. Ann also went on to thank all of the restaurants and organizations that had provided prizes for team winners and for the raffle. It was due to all of the donors, large and small, she emphasized, that the evening was such a success.

For information about PILC, please email [email protected].

PILC members with husbands and friends enjoying the evening.PILC members with husbands and friends enjoying the evening.

Corporate Sponsor’s JVK International Movers’ Paul Wilkinson and Craig Somerville with PILC President Ann Winfield and Special Events Chair Ananya Welland.Corporate Sponsor’s JVK International Movers’ Paul Wilkinson and Craig Somerville with PILC President Ann Winfield and Special Events Chair Ananya Welland.