PILC welcomes new committee at AGM


The Pattaya International Ladies Club (PILC) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Hilton Hotel on Tuesday, February 7.  At the AGM, outgoing president Bea Grunwell gave a report of the affairs of the club, each committee gave a report of the past year’s business, other matters pertaining to the club were discussed, and a new president and general committee were elected.

Over 90 members were in attendance at the beautiful Seaview Ballroom on the 17th floor of the Hilton Hotel. The hotel laid on a lovely buffet for the ladies, and the staff was most attentive and friendly. As the meeting was called to order, outgoing president, Bea Grunwell, made routine club announcements, and outgoing committee members each gave a report of their respective areas of responsibility for the past year.  Bea also thanked the membership for their support during the past year and said how much she had enjoyed the responsibilities of the presidency.

Outgoing president, Bea Grunwell, says thank you to the club members, and especially the committee that did such a great job during the past year. Outgoing president, Bea Grunwell, says thank you to the club members, and especially the committee that did such a great job during the past year.

Roseanne Diamente, chair of the nominating committee, thanked Bea and her committee for their hard work last year and presented each retiring chairperson with a bottle of wine as a token of thanks from the club. She then welcomed in the new committee chair persons, calling each member to the podium and reading a short biography of each person as they stepped up.

Ann Winfield, born and raised in Coventry, England and now a naturalised American citizen was elected president and newsletter chair; Helle Rantsen, from Denmark, became vice president and welfare chair, a position she had held four years ago during her last stay in Thailand; Suzie Zofkie, from the US was elected secretary; Lisa Bachman, also American was named treasurer; Ananya Welland, from Thailand was named as special events chair; well-known local volunteer, Alvi Sinthuvanik, also from Thailand remained as hospitality chair, and Christine Ross, from Great Britain, became chair of membership.

Incoming president, Ann Winfield, said she saw her role as president of PILC as one of overseeing the smooth day to day running of the almost 250-member club and ensuring that an appropriate direction is taken by the main committee. In addition, the PILC’s constitution, she stated, has two aims: the first aim is to provide opportunities for members to meet socially, to welcome newcomers, and to encourage members to participate in activities. The second aim is to support charitable organizations in Thailand.

The Pattaya International Ladies Club’s newly elected committee (L to R) Alvi Sinthuvanik, hospitality chair; Christine Ross, chair of membership; Suzie Zofkie, secretary; Ananya Welland, special events chair; Ann Winfield, president and newsletter chair; Helle Rantsen, vice president and welfare chair; and Lisa Bachman, treasurer. The Pattaya International Ladies Club’s newly elected committee (L to R) Alvi Sinthuvanik, hospitality chair; Christine Ross, chair of membership; Suzie Zofkie, secretary; Ananya Welland, special events chair; Ann Winfield, president and newsletter chair; Helle Rantsen, vice president and welfare chair; and Lisa Bachman, treasurer.

“As president,” said Ann, “I plan to ensure that we continue to live up to our mission as stated in these aims. We are successful in offering support to international women by helping them to develop friendships and we help expatriate women settle into the community by providing opportunities for social, cultural, and philanthropic endeavors.  And,” she added, “I want to make sure that the PILC remains a fun, social, and friendly organization for all members, old and new.”

Ann also pointed out that more and more younger women were joining the organization as the economy picks up on the Eastern Seaboard and foreign companies again have started transferring their experienced administrators here to oversee production.

Meeting up with good friends - there’s nothing else quite like it.Meeting up with good friends – there’s nothing else quite like it.

In regards to the second aim, Ann reminded members that, “Every day we are helping to make our community a better place to live for hundreds of our less fortunate neighbors. Our various welfare projects make an incredible difference in the lives of hundreds of community members and I see my role as that of making sure that the greater public is aware of all of these endeavors at all times.”

The new committee, said Ann, is very enthusiastic about the year to come and have already been brainstorming ways to improve on the already strong administrative structure of the 250 member-organization. They all agree that they plan to work hard to improve and build on the many functions, activities, and welfare projects the club organizes and run for members and the community at large.

The PILC is made up of almost 250 members from all walks of life, aged from early twenties to mid-eighties, and drawn from 34 countries.The PILC is made up of almost 250 members from all walks of life, aged from early twenties to mid-eighties, and drawn from 34 countries.

The new president then thanked the members again and said she faced the coming year with excitement and enthusiasm.

The PILC has been in existence for almost 25 years in Pattaya and is made up of almost 250 members from all walks of life, aged from early twenties to mid-eighties, and drawn from 34 countries. The club offers all sorts of social and community opportunities for women who are living here long-term or for a short while. Please go to www.pilc-pattaya.com to find out more about the Pattaya International Ladies Club.