PSC delivers relief supplies to flood-hit Nongprue community


The Pattaya Sports Club donated 10,000 baht in relief supplies to flood-ravaged residents on Nongprue’s Mabprachan 1 Community.

Sopin Thappajug, MD of Diana Group and PSC registered committee member together with President Pratheep ‘Peter’ Malhotra, Noi Emmerson, Charity and Community Service Chairperson, George Bennison, Secretary and Dick Warberg, Social Chairman delivered the 25 bags of dried foods and supplies to Nongprue Deputy Mayor Niyom Thiengtham to distribute to residents affected by the flooding of their homes.

Following tropical depression Vamco, Mab 1 community leader Tanaporn Luang Borisut requested aid from the sub-district after the storm and resultant flooding damaged 60 of the neighborhood’s 200 homes.

PSC office staff pack ‘survival bags’ for delivery to flood victims.

Tanaporn said, “There are 2000 registered residents in her community, but the real figures are at least 4 times as much which includes foreign laborers living in shanty rooms. They have lost everything and are in dire need of food and daily amenities. Everything in their rooms including beds and whatever utensils they had were destroyed in the floods.”

Niyom thanked the PSC members for their support and giving a helping hand to residents in need. The donated relief was handed over to Tanaporn to give out to the residents who are desperately in need.

PSC President Peter Malhotra expresses heartfelt concern for the victims of the floods who lost everything.

The PSC team and Nongprue officials gather for a group photograph at the handover of relief supplies.

Nongprue Deputy Mayor Niyom Thiengtham expresses his gratitude for the generosity of the Pattaya Sports Club.