Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa hosts 3rd Salsa Tropicana Vacation


Champagne Shower & Pool Party

Everyone was in full party mood for the 3rd Salsa Pattaya Tropicana Vacation “Champagne Shower & Pool Party” at Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa’s stunning infinity beach-front pool on April 18.

The fun-filled event was packed with live shows by international dancers from Norway, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Philippines, India, Poland, Russia and Romania.  The beach palm trees swayed to music provided by DJs from USA, Japan and France for the dancers of Salsa Bachata Workshop.

Dancing the night away at Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa.Dancing the night away at Ravindra Beach Resort & Spa.

Guests were treated to a wide variety of delightful tapas dishes specially selected by Ravindra chefs for this salsa event.

All guests were having fun at Ravindra’s infinity beach-front pool, while the Salsa Bachata Workshop provided the spice with performances by Jarl Tore Helmobakk from Norway and Ania Gorsha from Poland.  The couple won 3rd Place at the Bachata Pro of HKSF World Championship 2014.

It was a night filled with fun and joy for everyone and concluded with the traditional Champagne Shower during the closing ceremony.