Ready, Set, Cook…a First at PCEC

Sasi describes the types of coconuts and their uses in Thai cooking and explains to PCEC Member Ren Lexander, as he contemplates the one in his hand, about how easy it is cut it open.
Sasi describes the types of coconuts and their uses in Thai cooking and explains to PCEC Member Ren Lexander, as he contemplates the one in his hand, about how easy it is cut it open.

Something new and adventurous was tried at the PCEC Sunday meeting on February 2 – a cooking demonstration with samples for the whole crowd. As a first, this seemed to be a delicious success. The presenter was Sasiwimon (Sasi) Saenmueang.

“Thai Food – Eat – Love!” was the theme of her presentation about Thai cooking and how her love for Thai food led to her creating “Sasi’s Love Made Kitchen” offering classes so others can enjoy her love of Thai cooking.

Sasi is a delightful young Thai lady with excellent English language skills. She grew up on a Thai farm where she and her mom grew their food and turned it into meals for the family. She was raised in an elevated wooden country home surrounded by the fields where the family’s food was grown. She helped her mom develop a garden and fruit grove as well as spending hours in the rice fields and hauling water a good long way almost daily. She said it was a busy life but she learned to love the fields around them that yielded their living. Since silk worms developed in and around the farm, the enterprising family also weaved silk and made silk cloth and clothing.

Sasi thought the best way to use the skills honed during her farm upraising would be to offer cooking classes with the experience of picking, preparing and cooking fresh produce, which she grows right on her property; her kitchen faces the Phoenix golf course close to Pattaya. These half day cooking adventures can be arranged with her by contacting her through her Facebook page:

Sasi’s philosophy of cooking consists of three basic principles: (1) Buy local, (2) Reduce waste, and (3) Use as much organic materials as you can. This is all in keeping with the self-sufficiency program of King Rama the IX.

After discussing her love for cooking and how she came about creating her “Love Made Kitchen,” she first gave a demonstration, inviting audience members to join her, on how to open a coconut as she described their types and uses in Thai food. The many kinds of coconuts each have specific uses. Some are used in desserts while others are favored for making smooth curry sauces. Coconuts are more likely to be mature as their color turns brown.

Cooking from scratch and using natural ingredients is the healthy way to cook good Thai food, is what Sasi's emphasized in her presentation to the PCEC.
Cooking from scratch and using natural ingredients is the healthy way to cook good Thai food, is what Sasi’s emphasized in her presentation to the PCEC.

PCEC members Ren Lexander and Ron Dittmer were brave enough to join her on stage and to open their own coconuts following her instructions. They being careful in their coconut openings not to remove their fingers. They were successful and all fingers remained in place! As demonstrated, it really is quite easy to open a coconut if you know the technique.

She then asked her associate to give a cooking demonstration for making ‘kanom dom’ (Thai coconut ball dessert) as she commented on how it is done. Also, as they were made, samples were handed out for audience members to enjoy the flavor and texture. Sasi also had brought with her some items she makes for sale, including granola, energy balls, and fruit jams.

The audience was so enthused with the presentation and demonstration that many inquired about taking some of her classes. Based on this enthusiasm, there was talk about arranging for dates and transportation for those that wished to participate. The PCEC videotaped the presentation and it can be viewed on YouTube at:

After the presentation, the MC brought everyone up to date on the upcoming club events and others of interest. This was followed by the Open Forum where questions are asked and answered about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya.

For more information about the PCEC, visit their website at:

PCEC Member Ren Lexander looks on as Sasi shows some of the fresh ingredients she grow in her garden and uses in her cooking classes. Other ingredients she said she obtains from an organic produce market.
PCEC Member Ren Lexander looks on as Sasi shows some of the fresh ingredients she grow in her garden and uses in her cooking classes. Other ingredients she said she obtains from an organic produce market.

Sasi began her presentation by presenting several photos of the farm where she grew up, including this one where she describes the house where she lived.
Sasi began her presentation by presenting several photos of the farm where she grew up, including this one where she describes the house where she lived.
Is this how you do it? PCEC Member Ron Dittmer prepares to cut open a coconut according to Sasi's instructions. He succeeded without cutting off any fingers to the delight (disappointment?) of the audience.
Is this how you do it? PCEC Member Ron Dittmer prepares to cut open a coconut according to Sasi’s instructions. He succeeded without cutting off any fingers to the delight (disappointment?) of the audience.
PCEC member Ren Lexander provides some comments as Sasi's assistant demonstrates the preparation of "kanom dom," a delicious Thai coconut desert. When prepared, samples were provided to the audience.
PCEC member Ren Lexander provides some comments as Sasi’s assistant demonstrates the preparation of “kanom dom,” a delicious Thai coconut desert. When prepared, samples were provided to the audience.
MC Pat Glynn presents Sasi with the PCEC's Certificate of Appreciation for her interesting and informative talk about and demonstration of Thai cooking.
MC Pat Glynn presents Sasi with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for her interesting and informative talk about and demonstration of Thai cooking.

Member Ren Lexander interviews Sasi about her presentation to the PCEC. The video can be viewed at:
Member Ren Lexander interviews Sasi about her presentation to the PCEC. The video can be viewed at:
MC Pat Glynn welcomes members and guests to the regular Sunday meeting of the PCEC noting that this meeting will be "different" as the presenter, Sasi from “Sasi’s Love Made Kitchen” will not only talk about her love for Thai cooking, but provide some practical demonstrations.
MC Pat Glynn welcomes members and guests to the regular Sunday meeting of the PCEC noting that this meeting will be “different” as the presenter, Sasi from “Sasi’s Love Made Kitchen” will not only talk about her love for Thai cooking, but provide some practical demonstrations.
Sasi presented this slide as she mentioned she had brought some free samples for those that would like to try some and had packages available for sale.
Sasi presented this slide as she mentioned she had brought some free samples for those that would like to try some and had packages available for sale.