Following up on a recent trip to Isaan (the northeast of Thailand) to investigate the needs of people in need of assistance, members of the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard made the return journey on October 15, but this time they carried with them supplies and medical apparatus for those that needed them the most.
Nitchagan Penkruea.
The expedition of mercy was led by President Jan Abbink and a team of club members including his wife Ket, Carl and Joy Dyson, Geda Hufer and Marliese Fritz.
The team headed straight into Buriram, where they were welcomed by dear friends Past President Peter Rottman and his energetic and kind hearted wife Nitaya. Peter and Nitaya were residents of Pattaya, but decided to move back to Krasang in Buriram, Nitaya’s home, to be close to the people of the land so that they could liaise with the Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard to help them with their needs.
The visiting Rotarians brought with them a pram for 4 year old Nitchagan Penkruea and gave her mother some financial aid so that she could take her daughter to a Bangkok for tests and treatment.
Another unfortunate child was 4 year old Garuna Chaisurijon who was born a hermaphrodite, who was also given funds for treatment in Bangkok.
(L to R) Marliese Fritz, Geda Hufer, Mrs. Penkruea, President Jan Abbink and Nitaya Rottmann and baby Garuna Chaisurijon.
We had brought along a 3-wheel wheelchair which we had promised Kiam Somon on our last visit. He was really happy to receive it and immediately sped off in it for a test run.
We went on to Baan Huey Samran School to inspect the water filtration system which we had installed and found it to be in working order, producing clean water for the consumption of the school children and the neighboring community.
We ensured that local children were given an opportunity to attend the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp in Ubon. RYLA is Rotary’s leadership training program for young people which emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth, and aims to demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth, to provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders, encourage leadership of youth by youth and recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities.
At the end of our mercy mission to Isaan we crossed into Laos for a much deserved break before heading back home to Pattaya.