Santa starts the new year off at Haven


Following the very successful Santa Scramble held earlier in December last year, which was held to raise money to purchase presents for the 75 to 80 orphaned and abandoned children that are cared for by the Baan Jing Jai Foundation here in Pattaya, when a sum over 200,000 baht was raised, New Year’s day was the first possible occasion that the children could be presented with their presents, as over the Christmas period they were very busy touring the city giving carol concerts at many establishments.

Some 80,000 baht of the amount raised was utilised to purchase the presents, with all of the children having requested their heart’s desire they already knew what Santa had in his sack for them. The balance was put towards the fund that has been set up to build a new home for 100 plus children to be built on the outskirts of Pattaya.

Ban Jing Jai children cheer for Santa on New Year’s Day. Ban Jing Jai children cheer for Santa on New Year’s Day.

The event was held at The Haven Hotel, now becoming a regular haunt for the children, where a very jolly Santa gave them all a special bag followed by a special take-away meal box as they set off to enjoy the rest of the day on a coach trip to Bangkok.