Tony Malhotra celebrates birthday with 150 children at the Fountain of Life


For the past 15 years, the Jesters Care 4 Kids with the cooperation of the Pattaya Mail Media Group have been associated with caring for the children at the Fountain of Life, with a major portion of the funds raised at all the Jesters events dedicated to the benevolent centre headed by Sister Joan Gormley and her team of extremely kind hearted volunteers.

One of the staunchest supporters of this cause is our very own Suwanthep ‘Tony’ Malhotra, the Assistant MD of the Pattaya Mail Media Group. For many years Tony has been at the side of Lewis ‘Woody’ Underwood and the late Mike Franklin doing whatever he could to assist and support the Jesters charity projects to benefit the children.

Sister Joan and Tony cheer as the birthday children blow out the candles on the birthday cakes. Sister Joan and Tony cheer as the birthday children blow out the candles on the birthday cakes.

Early this year, Sister Joan expressed a wish to give the children a little extra in their lives by organizing a monthly birthday party. Tony immediately jumped in and said that because his birthday was on March 21, he would be more than happy to sponsor a birthday party for that month.

And so on that auspicious day last week, Tony hosted a grand and merry birthday party for 150 children at the Fountain of Life.

After attending their prayer session the kids gathered in the common area of the center to cheerfully sing Happy Birthday to Uncle Tony and 7 other children also born in March. Another birthday child was Sister Joan herself who was born on March 5.

Top priority was of course given to Sister Joan, so Tony led all the children in individually presenting Sister Joan with a beautiful red rose.

Tony also conducted the kids to pay their respects to the teachers and volunteers. He told the children to always remember that these benevolent people love them very much and will always take of them.

The children in turn presented Tony with roses before treating themselves to a slice of the delicious birthday cakes.

One little birthday girl, nicknamed “Pancake” said she really enjoyed the party, especially the cake and good food. Fountain of Life officials hope all its children get the same joy out of their parties and make their birthdays worth remembering.

Later that day a small party was held at the Pattaya Mail offices where staff presented Tony with another birthday cake. The birthday boy thanked his colleagues for their thoughtfulness and wished everyone good luck in the coming year.

N.B. The Fountain of Life hopes that many people will come forward with a 1,000 baht donation to sponsor the month of their birth and make it possible for the children to have a truly memorable day. Please contact Sister Joan at the FOL on tel. 038 361720 or email: [email protected]