Anne Stoke’s green jacket in first up game

B flight Anne Stokes winner with Gordon Loviolette (L) and Rick Pope (R).
B flight Anne Stokes winner with Gordon Loviolette (L) and Rick Pope (R).

Pattaya Links Golf Society

Monday, Jan. 6 Pleasant Valley Stableford

The current dry season and lack of rain must make it difficult for greenkeepers to maintain a golf course, but the courses we have played in recent weeks are being kept in terrific condition for our pleasure.


I had not been to Pleasant Valley for some time and was pleasantly (excuse the pun) surprised at how good the course looked and played, with nice grass on the fairways and greens running smoothly and with good pace. Well done.

Once again we had a big group of 45 players arrive at this course complete with green fee and cart vouchers and ready to go.

A nice, comfortable, breezy day, but a tough course, saw only five scores of handicap or better.

The A flight had three players scoring 35 points so the countback was required.

Dave Robinson finally broke through for his first win to hold out newcomer to Links, Jean-Pierre Gasser, and Jamie Booterbaugh, who was much happier today after a disaster round a couple of days ago.

In an unusual event for Links, so far, two lady golfers took the first places in two of the flights.

Helene Lindberg, a recent winner of two Green Jackets, took out C flight with a modest score of 32 points.

Stu Thompson has moved back to Aus. after 15 years, but will still visit regularly. He scored a handy 31 points for second spot while Richie McIntosh, who lost his scorecard on Friday but managed to hold on to it on Monday, came in third with 30 points.

The B flight produced all five of the top scores with none better than Anne Stokes who was playing her first game this trip. Her 39 points gave her the win and the Green Jacket, the third time in a couple of weeks for the ladies.

A four way tie on 36 points had to go to countback where Thorsten Jodehl took second and sent Billy Buchanan to third place.

Unfortunately for Stuart Kidd and Will Brown they missed out on a place. Stuart did have some consolation by winning Best Front Nine.

Plenty of near pins and a long putt up for grabs.

Near Pin A flight: Billy Buchanan (x2), Anne Stokes, Bob Stokes.

Near Pin B flight: Mikael Lindberg, Thorsten Jodehl, Rick Pope, Larry Slattery.

Long First Putt: Mike Firkin.

A Flight (0-14)

1st Place – Dave Robinson (10) – 35 pts c/back

2nd Place – Jean-Pierre Gasser (9) – 35 pts c/back

3rd Place – Jamie Bootenbaugh (13) – 35 pts

B Flight (15-19)

1st Place – Anne Stokes (15) – 39 pts

2nd Place – Thorsten Jodehl (17) – 36 pts c/back

3rd Place – Billy Buchanan (15) – 36 pts c/back

C Flight (20+)

1st Place – Helene Lindberg (20) – 32 pts

2nd Place – Stu Thompson (20) – 31 pts

3rd Place – Richie McIntosh (28) – 30 pts

Best Front Nine C (non-winners) Stuart Kidd 20 pts

Best Back Nine a (non-winners) Keith Griffith 21 pts

After a lowly score and words of encouragement from Phil, Gordon Loviolette wore the ‘wig’. In the absence of anyone doing something too silly, it was decided that Rick Pope should wear the ‘silly hat’ for handing in a very low nine hole score.

With ladies winning the Green Jacket a lot lately, Phil is thinking that we may need to make a Pink Jacket fairly soon.