Canada’s Pierre Wins First ‘Jacket’

B flight winner Pierre Cere with Phil Davies (L) and Maurice Roberts (R).
B flight winner Pierre Cere with Phil Davies (L) and Maurice Roberts (R).

PSC Pattaya Links Golf Society

Friday, Feb. 14 Burapha B+A Stableford

After a mixed week of playing one course with dry, dusty fairways and then the next course running short of caddies and carts, we arrived at Burapha Golf Club a little earlier in the year than usual, thanks to the offer of a great all-in price.

Our tee time was 11.30 am and, something most of us had not done before, we teed off on the B nine first. We were asked to wait until 11.30 am to enable other groups crossing over nines. No problem and, in fact, we did get going about 5 minutes before the 11.30 time.

All agreed that this course is in terrific condition where, it seems, the fairways have had plenty of water and the greens are running truly, albeit slightly slower than expected here, but no complaints.

The day was warm with a steady breeze, gusting at times, and then dying out later in the day.

Paul Smith played a cracker of a game to record 41 points, gross 70, for the win in the A flight against some tough opposition.

David DeCaminada continued to improve, this time taking second spot with 39 points ahead of a very good round from Tommy Marshall who filled third place with 38 points. Top golf all round.

You think those scores were good? Pierre Cere, who has been gradually getting his game together this trip wowed them all with a haul of 43 points to have a runaway win in B flight.

Maurice Roberts continued his good form from a couple of days ago to win a countback for second place with 35 points, ahead of the consistent Stuart Kidd who took third spot on another countback.

Barry Cunningham scored a big 39 points to have a good win in C flight.

Gordon Laviolette, who started off this trip well down on form, has really started to get it going and his 36 points got him into second place while Mike Firkin had one of his better days to grab third with 34 points.

Near pins A flight: Tommy Marshall, Pierre Cere, Bill Steinmann, Rana Gurnam.

Near pins B flight: Charles Miller, Tip Briney, Maurice Roberts, Derek Phillips.

A Flight (0-13)

1st Place – Paul Smith (3) – 41 pts

2nd Place – David DeCaminada (9) – 39 pts

3rd Place – Tommy Marshall (7) – 38 pts c/back

B Flight (15-19)

1st Place – Pierre Cere (14) – 43 pts

2nd Place – Maurice Roberts (16) – 35 pts c/back

3rd Place – Stuart Kidd (15) – 35 pts c/back

C Flight (20+)

1st Place – Barry Cunningham (22) – 39 pts

2nd Place – Gordon Laviolette (24) – 36 pts

3rd Place – Mike Firkin (24) – 34 pts

Best Front Nine (non-winners) – Andy Kelleher – 22 pts

Best Back Nine (non-winners) – Mike Ehlert – 18 pts c/back

Rana booked a seat on the return bus to bring his caddy to town for Valentines Day. It came as a shock when she agreed, on condition he buy her a flat screen television as a Valentine’s present. Rejection and dejection set in for Rana, so he was spared the ‘silly hat’.

Time was marching on and Phil was anxious to get Pierre into the Green Jacket, so he cancelled the ‘wig’ and ‘silly hat’ for today and he and Maurice joined Pierre for the photo.

Burapha was a good day out for all and we will return next month.