Eek! Mouse delays London-to-San Francisco flight for 4 hours


San Francisco (AP) – How he squeaked through security is anyone’s guess. A little mouse made for a big delay on a British Airways flight from London to San Francisco. The passengers were buckled up and ready to go when the crew told them that a mouse-spotting meant they couldn’t take off. The crew joked that the mouse couldn’t enter US airspace without a passport, and told everyone they needed a whole new plane. That meant a four-hour delay. They told KGO-TV in San Francisco after the flight arrived Wednesday that despite the delay most passengers were happy to be on a mouse-free aircraft, especially since they would be eating on the flight. British Airways apologized and said they were satisfied that only two-legged passengers were on the flight once it took off.


Drone crashes through window of 27th-floor NYC apartment

New York (AP) – Police in New York City are looking for the owner of a drone that crashed through a window on a high-rise apartment building. NYPD officials say the drone crash occurred around 3:15 p.m. Saturday into a 27th-floor apartment in the Waterside Plaza tower overlooking the East River in Manhattan’s Kips Bay section. Police say a 66-year-old woman living in the apartment was at her computer when the drone crashed through the window and landed just a few feet away from her. She wasn’t injured. Police have recovered the drone, but so far don’t know who owns it. Their investigation is continuing.


Debate prompts Garfield creator to clarify cat’s gender

Garfield’s gender has become the subject of an internet debate. The Washington Post reports Wikipedia locked changes on the animated cat’s page after the site’s volunteer editors battled over whether the animated cat is male or not. The controversy bubbled up two years after Garfield creator Jim Davis told viral content site Mental Floss that as a cat, Garfield is “not really male or female.” Davis sought to clear up the controversy this week, telling the Post that “Garfield is male” and has a girlfriend named Arlene. Davis’ spokeswoman tells The Associated Press that he also told the Post he likes animals because “they’re not perceived as being any particular gender, race, age or ethnicity” and says the “humor could be enjoyed by a broader demographic.” (AP)


Eight-year-old Canadian goalie’s dance moves go viral

Brampton, Canada – An 8-year-old Canadian hockey goalie whose dance moves on the ice have made him an online sensation is being called up to the big leagues for a dance-off. Noah Young, who plays on a team from Brampton near Toronto, has been pumping up crowds with routines for some time, his mother, Paige Rowswell, told the Canadian Press. It was only once his performance was captured on video and posted online this weekend that he drew wider attention. The short dance routine to the song “Juju On That Beat” by Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall has been viewed more than 3 million times on Facebook and even caught the eye of two professional players, the New Jersey Devils’ Adam Henrique and goaltender Keith Kincaid. When asked by Henrique on Twitter whether he could rival Noah’s skills, Kincaid replied Tuesday evening with a challenge: “I could give him a run for his money. Only one way to settle this… dance off.” The young goalie’s overnight fame has also attracted attention from the local professional minor hockey team, the Brampton Beast, and nearby junior and major junior teams, Rowswell said. She said Noah will be collaborating with them in the near future. The sudden spotlight has come as a shock to his family and friends, for whom Noah’s dancing is simply par for the course. Mom says Noah isn’t living a star’s lifestyle, either. “He just thought he could maybe stay up past bedtime and have a chocolate bar late and I was like, ‘No, sorry, you can’t,'” she said.

Online: Noah’s dance moves: