Goose freed, got stuck in pizza driver’s car grille

Alive and kicking, the goose is expected to make a full recovery. (Esther Lotz via AP)
Alive and kicking, the goose is expected to make a full recovery. (Esther Lotz via AP)

Burlington, Vt. (AP) — Authorities say a goose that got stuck in a pizza delivery driver’s car grille in Vermont is expected to make a full recovery.

Driver Ryan Harrington said he saw a goose waddling across the road in Burlington. He slammed on his brakes, but heard a thud and knew he struck the bird. But he wasn’t prepared to see it stuck in his car — and alive — when he returned to work.

His manager got through to a police dispatcher who alerted authorities and a nonprofit animal rescue group. The fire department arrived to help free the goose, named Roberto, or Roberta if it’s a girl.

The goose was taken to a wildlife rehabber in Poultney who says it may have a broken pelvis, but they expect it will survive.


Woman who got postcard sent in 1993 tracks down sender

Springfield, Ill. (AP) — An Illinois woman who recently got a 1993 postcard in her mailbox has tracked down the man who sent it to his children more than two decades ago.

Kim Draper’s story about the mysterious Hong Kong postcard was published in The State Journal-Register in Springfield.

Masrour Kizilbash sent the postcard to his family while working overseas in 1993. He told the newspaper that he was “fascinated with the area” and wanted to share his experiences. At that time, there were no cell phones or internet and international calls were costly, so he instead opted to send postcards.

Kizilbash’s family was living in Springfield at the time. He always figured that they had received the postcard.

U.S. Postal Service officials said the card could’ve gotten tied up in Hong Kong or might’ve been stuck in old equipment.

With the help of social media, Draper learned that Kizilbash’s son, Mohammad Kizilbash, now lives in suburban Chicago. A reunion with the postcard is planned.

“I thought that was really gracious of her, she went out of her way to track us down,” Mohammad said. “I’m looking forward to getting this postcard. This is one to keep.”

Draper would ideally like to appear with the Kizilbashes on a TV show to give them the card, but if that can’t happen, she’ll drive to Chicago and give it to them in person.

“I won’t mail it. I don’t want it to get back in the mail system, and I really want to meet them,” Draper said. “I am surprised about how the story has spread,” she said. “But at the same time it’s heartwarming. I think it made people want to know the family and it’s one of those cool stories that you want to hear the end.”


Officer trying to rescue kitten finds a bobcat instead

Big kitty. (Matt Callahan/Stratham Police Department via AP)
Big kitty. (Matt Callahan/Stratham Police Department via AP)

Stratham, N.H. (AP) — A New Hampshire police officer says the kitten he was trying to pick up in a parking lot turned out to be a bobcat, which then jumped onto the roof of a Burger King.

Stratham Officer Matt Callahan said he saw the “kitten” run under a car. It eventually climbed a tree near the restaurant. Once Callahan realized he was dealing with a young bobcat, he called state Fish and Game officers.

He also stood in the drive-thru line to alert customers in case the bobcat decided to come down, but it climbed onto the roof and took a catnap.

Callahan says he and the conservation officer climbed up and put the bobcat in a crate. The bobcat was released at a wildlife refuge.