Peppernell having a purple patch in Pattaya

Wayne Peppernell has hit a purple patch that we would all like at some time. After 37 points at Bangpra last month and then 38 points at Greenwood last week, he has romped away with 42 points to clearly win here.

PSC Links Golf Society

Monday, Sept.7
Burapha A+B

It was a surprise to be told that we would play the A+B combination today as it was only 12 days ago that the greens were cored. The course is, generally, in very good condition with nicely cut fairways, some good run, and the rough has been cut down, but is still fairly tough to play.

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But these greens, so good only a couple of weeks ago for the big Singha tournament, now seem to have the same disease that other courses are having. There are black splotches and some putts seem to jump at an angle after hitting something. Not usual for this course.

The weather was fine and hot with nil chance of rain, and a clear run around the course had our four groups finishing in good time.

Even with the greens’ worry, everybody had the same course to play and there were still some very good scorecards handed in.

Wayne Peppernell has hit a purple patch that we would all like at some time. After 37 points at Bangpra last month and then 38 points at Greenwood last week, he has romped away with 42 points to clearly win here.


Walter Baechli likes to travel the world but his wings have been clipped for now. The good news is, that he can now play more golf and he his finding the old form that had him at a lower handicap a while back. Monday he scored 39 points to win a countback for second place.

It is no surprise to find Huw Phillips on the podium and he took third spot, also with 39 points, behind Walter.

We didn’t put in a fourth prize just so Paul Durkan can continue getting in the placings, he actually got fourth in a countback over Tommy Marshall, both scoring 37 points.

Tommy didn’t miss out as he had the ‘best front nine’ for non winners with 19 points. Tommy’s playing partner, Peter Lacey, with 20 points took ‘best back nine’ on a countback.

Winners at Burapha

1st Place – Wayne Peppernell (14) – 42 pts

2nd Place – Walter Baechli (18) – 39 pts c/back

3rd Place – Huw Phillips (12) – 39 pts

4th Place – Paul Durkan (5) – 37 pts c/back

Apparently, the greens on the C+D nines are in very good condition, so we are sure the A+B greens will bounce back to their normal first class very soon.

The Seniors Special of 1250 baht for over 60s continues and we will return on Sept. 23.