Roti Sai Mai: the sweet treat of Ayutthaya


Since the old days, Ayutthaya is a cultural melt pot. One of its best you should not miss while visiting the old capital is Roti Sai Mai.

Widely available throughout the city, the Thai-style candy floss or cotton candy is rolled in paper-thin roti sheet. The abit salted roti goes well with the sweet and soft cotton candy.

Roti Sai Mai is a dessert with Islamic influences. Its recipe was inherited among Ayutthaya Muslim. The sweet was widely made and sold by Muslim vendors before spreading out to the public nowadays.

Roti from the Indian subcontinent is adapted into sweet by rolling floss or cotton candy inside it. The thin silky strings are actually spun sugar and they are usually found in various colors. The roti is super thin and made in white or green color. The green color is from the pandan leaf. Some roti is topped with sesame.

The sweet treat is widely available at street stalls, in the city as well as along the highway. In front of the Ayutthaya Hospital is one of the best places to buy Roti Sai Mai with many stalls you can choose from.

How to get there: Ayutthaya is some 40 miles north of Bangkok via highway 32