Tony Oakes rises at Phoenix wins Pattaya golf outing

Tony Oakes scored a brilliant 39 points to take spot.

PSC Billabong Golf
Monday, 24th May
Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club

We played Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club Monday, and this course just keeps getting better. It is in fantastic condition with greens that roll true if you hit them in the right direction. The fairways are lush with good grass and easy to hit off. It was a nice easy round of golf Monday with no holdups, and going by the scores, it looks like everyone had an enjoyable day out.

We all know there is no room on the card to draw pictures but one intrepid golfer who shall remain nameless scored a two on the par three 16th by hitting the water, then the rock wall, and bouncing the ball to about 6 feet, then canning the putt for his deuce. Well done Flip.

The other 2 twos went to Tony Oakes and Paul Blackshaw.

The ever-consistent Thiery Petrement took 3rd spot Monday with 35 points. 2nd spot went to Paul Blackshaw with a fine 38 points.

Considering it has been some time since he held a club in his hand, a great performance indeed, 1st spot went to a man who had to be talked into having a game with Captain Cripple because his opinion of the course was not good. But after Monday’s game, he has changed his mind and will definitely coming back. Tony Oakes scored a brilliant 39 points to take that spot.