A Christmas to remember


Early on Christmas Day the toddlers arrived at the Father Ray Day Care Center for a morning of singing, dancing, eating and fun, and all was going well until Santa arrived. The children know who Santa is, they had seen photos of him and watched him on TV, but to see him in the flesh was too much for many of the youngsters.

There were screams of terror as they watched a very tall red suited white bearded and bell ringing man make his way towards them.

It was a few brave young three year olds who eventually got near, and within minutes Santa was mobbed by children all wanting to tug his beard and rub his fat belly.

Santa has a new friend.Santa has a new friend.

At lunch time seventy nine residents from the Father Ray Children’s home went off for Christmas lunch, including the Homes’ two newest arrivals.

These fourteen year old twin brothers have only been at the Home a few weeks, they have never celebrated Christmas and, surprisingly, never been for a meal in a proper restaurant. After feasting on a large selection of seafood, and not a Brussels sprout in site, the children gathered for a lucky draw which saw all of them receive a gift.

The following day the children with special needs held their Christmas party and words cannot describe the noise that more than one hundred children made. Again there was lots of food, and all the children received several gifts.

But the event many children had been waiting all year for arrived on the evening of the 26th, when almost one thousand children and students gathered to celebrate Christmas.

Food was served buffet style, and each project provided the entertainment. The toddlers from the Day Care Center jumped around the stage in fancy dress, teenagers from the Children’s Home gave a traditional dance performance and the wheelchair dancers amazed everyone. The girls from the Children’s Village hula-hooped, there was a magic show from the teenagers with special needs and the blind students danced like there was no tomorrow.

At the end of the evening the children and students were well fed, happy and groaning under the weight of all their Christmas gifts.

On the way home, they two brothers agreed that they love celebrating Christmas and can’t wait for next year.

Christmas lunch, not a turkey or a sprout in site.Christmas lunch, not a turkey or a sprout in site.

Dancing to Carabao.Dancing to Carabao.

Hula-hooping, a Christmas tradition.Hula-hooping, a Christmas tradition.

Toddlers from the Father Ray Day Care Center.Toddlers from the Father Ray Day Care Center.

The food was delicious.The food was delicious.

Gifts for everyone.Gifts for everyone.

He wishes it was Christmas everyday.He wishes it was Christmas everyday.

We love Santa.We love Santa.

Merry Christmas.Merry Christmas.

Two brothers, celebrating Christmas for the very first time.Two brothers, celebrating Christmas for the very first time.

These blind girls never stopped dancing.

One of the musicians.One of the musicians.