Andersson & Kelly in command at Emerald


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Feb. 15, The Emerald – Stableford

Today we held an individual three divisional competition plus a pairs team multiplier.  A field of 46 players turned out with 23 pairings in the multiplier game and the equal cut in the three divisions at 8-15, 16-19 and 20+.

Frank Kelly, playing off 18, recorded the highest score of the day to win division 2 with 44 points.  Bob Poole trailed in second on 39 and Geoff Stubbs was third with a meagre 37 points.

Miss Nut.Miss Nut.

Alan Bissell topped the podium in division 3 with 41 points, while Rodney finished second after beating Jim Connelly on a 12/11 back-six count back, both on 32 points overall.

There were two 37’s returned in division 1, with Anterro Wallenius beating Mikael Andersson 20/19 on the back nine, and Kit Parkington finishing third with 36.

Near pins went to (Div 1) Terry Madsen, Pete Sumner (2) and Anterro Wallenius; (Div 2) Dannie Larsen, Jerry McCarthy, Matti Pihlajisto and Barry Stirling; and (Div 3) Alan Bissell, Rod Howett and Joe Kubon.

Other additional technical awards were picked up by Pete Sumner, Dannie Larsen, Alan Bissell, Thomas Naughton, Tom Novak, Kit Parkington, and Don Head.

Mikael Andersson, Thomas Naughton and Pete Sumner all birdied the 13th hole for the only ‘2’s recorded on the day.

In the team event, Mikael Andersson and Frank Kelly came in with 88 points combined to take first place.  Dannie Larsen and Alan Bissell were second seven points behind and in third place with 76 points came Kit Parkington and Geoff Stubbs.

Wednesday, Feb. 18, Pleasant valley – Stableford

We teed off bang on time with our eight groups and the cut today came at 8-17 and 18+ in the two divisions.

Kit Parkington, playing off 8, won division 1 with 38 points and there were three 36 point cards fighting for second place.  A 21/20/19 back nine count back saw Barry Stirling take the sliver, Paul Sturgeon the bronze and Matt i Philajisto lose out.

Paul Sturgeon.

Improving her golf each week and playing off the white tees, Miss Nut topped division 2 with 36 points, beating Magne Gunnarson 14/12 on a back-six count back.  David Taylor was third one point behind on 35, beating Rod Howett 18/13 on the back nine.

Kit Parkington birdied the eighth for the only ‘2’ of the day.

Near pins were shared by (Div 1) Kit Parkington, Barney Sheedy, Barry Stirling and Niels Viuff, and (Div 2) Tim Hake, Finn Olsen, David Taylor and Ron Walsh.

Friday, Feb. 20, Eastern Star – Stableford

We had 40 men out and a separate competition for the four ladies who ended up cancelling their contest; no problem whatsoever they are in control.

A remarkable round for Bill Bertram, playing off a 10 handicap, saw him post a gross score of 74, equating to 44 points, to win division 1.  Twelve points behind in second place came Dennis Scougall who beat Thomas Naughton 20/17 on count back.

Matti Pihlajisto was the top man in division 2, winning with 39 points ahead of Don Head in second on 34 and Kevin Shananhan third with 33.

Miss Nut was the winner in division three with 35 points while Andy Galvin placed second one point behind and Tom Novak took third with 33.

Bill Bertram birdied the 6th and Jerry McCarthy the 3rd to split the ‘2’s pot in division 1 while there was another rollover in division 2.

Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Bill Bertram, Thomas Naughton (2) and Dennis Scougall, and (Div 2) Matti Pihlajisto and Kevin Shananhan (3).