Baccioli gets his groove back


Phoenix Tuesday/Friday (Men Only) Golf Group

Phoenix golf courses now are at the best they have been for a couple of years.  We played on Mountain/Ocean course today, July 3, and apart from a few other groups we had the course to ourselves.  In comparison to years past if tourism is up in Pattaya then it ain’t golfers who are coming.

After two years of suffering from broken wrists, Giorgio Baccioli found his old (and now new) form to win the day with a fine 36 points.  Sure, he had gone up a couple of shots whilst he nursed his wrists back to health, but he is hitting the ball straighter than ever (not long) but true.

Tuesday’s winners with the staff at The Relax Bar. Tuesday’s winners with the staff at The Relax Bar.

In second place was Richard Baldwin with 33 points and in third place was the never out of the frame Stuart Gordon with 32 points.

There were no near pin prizes today so it was straight onto the lucky draw (donated by our hosts The Relax Bar).  The free massage went to yours truly, the free drink went to John Bartley and the last prize went to Patrick Browne.

A few amber nectars later all the bad shots of the day were forgotten and we all went home well pleased with another day in paradise.

We play every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.  If anyone would like to join the group please contact me on 087 091 7565. We also organise fortnightly sea fishing trips.