Bad Santa makes an appearance


The Backyard Golf Society

Christmas was upon us and all the good boys (no girls in our society, well unless you count ‘Michelle’) were getting ready for benevolent Santa to bring them their gifts in the environmentally conscious, Rudolf-less (ozone depleting gases have always been an issue with reindeer) hybrid sleigh.  Wrong, Bad Santa, in the shape of own “The Fudge Factor” turned up at Emerald at the weekly Backyard outing and scared the bejesus out of all the players, staff and resident canines.  But, armed with some very well constructed snowmen (certainly some coconut in them) and a chocolate-coated, tree-like structure, Bad Santa was allowed to play and go down the road later.

Anyway, the winner of the Backyard outing this time was Irish John, aka The Good Samaritan, beating Bad Santa on count-back.

Near-pin was won by The Biss, the only Middlesbrough (note the correct spelling please, brough and not borough!) supporter in the Kingdom, or so we are told.

Fudge Factor and The Quiet Man each won 3 skins, The Altrincham Alchemist (aka Spear Chucker) won 2, there were singles to “He’s a Victorian” and Jimmy 2 Stones and amazingly (and to the dismay of the author, as he is the only one who does not get a shot on either of the first two holes) there are 8 rollovers to next Friday’s game at The Emerald.