PSC Golf from the Pattaya Links Golf Society
Monday, June 25, Laem Chabang – Stableford
A Flight
1st Tom Herrington (16) 40pts
2nd Tommy Marshall (6) 39pts
3rd Pete Seil (6) 37pts
B Flight
1st Derek Phillips (20) 37pts
2nd Kym Richardson (19) 33pts
3rd Dave Jarvis (19) 32pts
With the closure of the Mountain nine for refurbishment, the Lakes and Valley nines were in play – B and C to most of us and the course was in excellent condition throughout, with consistent greens running at 9 on the “stimp” and the weather was an extra bonus, with a light breeze adding some comfort.
The large field was divided into two flights at sixteen and under and, with a quarter of the field playing off handicaps of ten or less, some fine golf was on show.
In the second flight Dave Jarvis – wig winner last time out – showed better form with 32 points taking third place from Tip Briney on countback. He was only one point behind the runner up, Kym Richardson (33) but a further four points behind the flight winner Irishman Derek Phillips, winning with an excellent 37 points.
The top flight saw an all-American podium as Pete Seil took third place with 37 points, and Tommy Marshall take second with 39 points, whilst registering the best gross of the day, 75. The flight winner was Tom Herrington with an impressive forty points and he was duly awarded with the Green Jacket back at the Links.
Near Pins were won by Len Jones (B5), Mike Ehlert (B5), Dave Arataki (C5) and Graham Pratt (C8).
Consolation awards went to John Pierrel for his best front nine of 21 points whilst Garry Barker took the back nine honours with 21 points also.
Friday, June 29, Treasure Hill – Stableford
1st Garry Barker (4) 36pts
2nd Tip Briney (23) 35pts
3rd Phil Davies (12) 34pts
4th Dave Hewson (9) 33pts
Due to recent inclement weather twenty two golfers expected to be met with the news that it was carts on path only. Much to our surprise, and joy for some, the fairways had dried out so well that the greens staff had been able to get on course with the mowers, so that the fairways were in great condition. Firm and with some run.
Some front nine greens still showed signs of recent sanding, but the back nine was in excellent condition. Greens were measured at 8.5 “stimp”, some thought slightly slower than that, but the putts ran true.
Among a large group of golfers from Darwin, Australia were five players who have come to play a few games at Links, having extended their stay in Pattaya. They have all played a lot of golf recently, and still going strong.
Garry Barker is one of them and is a cool, complete golfer, who is always likely to par a golf course. He didn’t make par today, but his 36 points went very close, 74 gross, to earn him a well deserved first Green Jacket.
Tip Briney, we have said before, can be very good or very bad. Today he was very good and took second spot with a fine 35 points.
Phil Davies has been in pretty good form recently, and carried that on to score 34 points and the third place.
Dave Hewson started this trip with the “wig” and then found his real form, and so, said “farewell” for now by grabbing fourth spot on countback from James Hudson, both with 33 points, very good scoring on this course.
Near pins were claimed by Garry Barker (2), Dave Hewson (6), Colin Smith (13), and James Hudson (17) while the consolation nines awards went to John Harrison (front, 17pts) and Lachlan Gotz (back, 16pts).