Barrie blitzes Phoenix


PSC Golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Wednesday, Sept. 16, Green Valley – Stableford

Travelling to Green Valley on Wednesday we were thinking we were going to get awfully wet as it rained all the way from the bar to the course, but it wasn’t to be as the rain cleared up and although it was a bit wet underfoot in places it turned out to be a grand day for golf.

The course was in great condition and the recent rain should help it come along in leaps and bounds.  The greens were still a little slow, which they have been for the last couple of weeks, but I’m sure they will get up to speed again soon.

Lloyd Shuttleworth, George Barrie and Greig Ritchie.

We had 8 ladies playing in their own completion today and their scores were very good indeed.  Birthday girl Sa won the day with a great 40 points while second place went to Sumalee Wild with 39 and Eng Cotterell took third with 38.

In the men’s division it was a different story with a count back separating the top two players, Kiwi Bill Marsden just edging out Kevin Hamilton after both came in with 39 points each.  Taking third place and making it onto the podium for the third or fourth time in a row was Gentry Harrington with 38 points.

There were two ‘2’s, coming from Barry Copestake and Kevin Hamilton.

Back at the bar we had the birthday celebrations for Sa and presented her with a cake.

Friday, Sept. 18, Phoenix – Stableford

Rain, rain, go away – and it did!  We played Phoenix on Friday in near perfect conditions so it does go to show that it’s probably worth the drive to the course before you pull out of the game for the day.

Phoenix was in fantastic condition, but the recent deluge meant that no carts were allowed on the fairways and we played winter rules, i.e. ‘lift clean and place’.  I don’t know what the green-keeper has done to the greens here but they were superb, very true and a pleasure to putt on.

We only had a small field of 3 groups as there were a lot of cancellations due to the inclement weather but those that played had a good day out.  The scores were also quite respectable with Lloyd Shuttleworth taking third spot with 37 points while second went to Greig Ritchie with a fine 39.  But taking line honours today was George Barrie with an excellent 42 points.

Message to Kev: When you read this while at work, yes George did have a great round and now he’s turned 60 he can play off the silver tees so he now has a 60 yard start on you.  Winning your wager with him is going to be even tougher!

Note: The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking out across Lake Mabprachan.  Give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 if you are looking for a game.