Beaver Bar turns the tables on local rivals


Beaver Bar v Camel Bar Challenge Trophy

The annual competition between the Beaver Bar and the Camel Bar in Bang Chang was held at the Emerald Golf Club on Saturday, Nov. 6.  A beautiful day with slight breezes made for optimum conditions for this event.

Each side fielded 8 two man teams in a Texas scramble competition.  Larry and Dennis Willett captained the Beaver Bar while Rod Carmichael and Steve Coulson captained the Camel Bar team (The Bang Chang Golf Society).

The Beaver team captains, Larry and Dennis Willett, pose with the annual challenge trophy. The Beaver team captains, Larry and Dennis Willett, pose with the annual challenge trophy.

Larry Willett, recently returned to the Beaver Bar after a long illness, also acted as Marshall for the day and announcer on the first tee for each team.  After all teams were started no complaints or queries arose so Larry stayed on the course urging all the Beaver teams onto victory.

At the end of the day the final result came down to the last match being played between Joe St Laurent and Owen Walkley (Beaver) and Brian Ferringo and Ronnie Coulson (Camel) with the Beaver Bar coming out on top and winning the trophy by a margin of 5 games to 3.

The after golf festivities were hosted by Larry at the Beaver Bar and Grill serving southern U.S.A. style food and plenty of iced cold beer.

The traveling trophy was brought to the Beaver Bar from the Camel (previous winner) by Rod Carmichael and presented to the Beaver Bar team and accepted by Larry Willett.

Everyone agreed it was a beautiful day and great sportsmanship was enjoyed by all.  Needless to say next year’s event is being keenly looked forward to so battle will commence again!