Bertram blitz at Eastern Star


Jomtien Golf with the IPGC

Monday, Sept. 26, Pattana – Stableford

The A course at Pattana is still shut and with the management predictions of reopening mid-December with new grass on some of the holes and more undulating fairways, we will see what occurs.

There was light drizzle overnight here in Jomtien and a few spots on the windscreen as we headed up the 331 but a cool enjoyable round was had by all.  The cut was up to 18 in division 1 in the stableford competition and 19+ in division 2 and the best score of the day was returned by John Harvey in the second tier with 34 points.  Russell Benson came in second with 29 points and in third place was Terry Redding with 28.

Pattana winners: Paul Smith and John Harvey. Pattana winners: Paul Smith and John Harvey.

In division 1 and playing off handicap 2, Paul Smith beat Kari Kupairinen (H/cap 5) on a 14/13 back-nine count back after they both came in with 32 points.  Barry Welling was in third after scoring 30 points.

Kari Kupairinen and Chris Voller split today’s top division ‘2’s pot with birdies on B3 and C2 respectively while division 2 carried over to Bangpra on Wednesday.

Wednesday, Sept. 28, Bangpra – Stableford

There were eight groups out today in an individual two divisional stableford competition plus a 1-2-3 team event sponsored by the rollover kitty.

It was very soggy underfoot on the first hole so “pick, clean and place” came into play from the second tee onwards.  It was a painful 5 hour round today for all of us here as we were stuck behind three groups of holiday makers.  As from the first of November here the earliest tee time we can book is 11.42 am, so the prospect of a five hour round, which is normal for that time of the year, plus a 50 minute journey back afterwards means we will be avoiding this course until next May.

Andy Oz recorded the best score of today, winning division 2 with 36 points.  Tom Novak was second six points behind and the French boy Jean Morel finished third with 27.

In division 1 there were four cards in with 35 points; Kari Kupairinen beat Mike Missler 20/17 on the back-nine count back for first and then Mike beat Paul Smith on a 13/11 back six count back for the runner up spot.  Poor old Mikael Andersson lost out with 16 on the last nine holes.

This was a tough test of golf today with three of the par threes between 180 and 209 yards.  Near pins went to Frank Kelly, Kari Kupairinen (2), Neville Scurell, Joe Kubon, Adam Oyston and Andy OZ.

Normally the 1-2-3 comp winners are in the 83-88 points frame but today with the tough conditions we saw in second place Noi Emmerson, Paul Smith and Game Malanpoothong losing out on a back-nine count back of 46/50 after scoring 72 points.  The winners on the same score were Andy Baber, Bryan Rought and Neville Scurrell.

In the ‘2’s Kari K scooped the pot in division 1 after a birdie on the 12th and a double rollover ensued in division 2 to Emerald on Monday.

It is Bon Voyage to Terry Redding and Neville Scurrell who are back to Oz and Andy Baber joins them next week as well.

Friday, Sept. 30, Eastern Star – Stableford

We have a few more ladies enrolling into Jomtien Golf and the I.P.G.C. so we are back to where we were two years ago with 6/7 ladies in their own division and competition and two for the men until we reach November, when it will be three divisions.

It was a 50/50 decision regarding “pick, clean and place” today on the fairways as we headed down the first as there were a few worm moulds on this hole and the next two but we decided to play under normal conditions.  The weather predictions for this area were for torrential thunderstorms and heavy rain from Vietnam, but this did not occur.

Seven groups out today and the Burapha caddie, Miss Kung lost out to Yuza Reginuissen on a 18/17 back-nine count back after they both came in with 32 points in the ladies division.

The best score of the day for the men was in division 1 with Bill Bertram winning with 40 points ahead of Frank Kelly in second on 35 and Darryl Blair third with 33.

In division 2 with 17 points on the front nine and some steady golf throughout, the organiser chipped in with his third shot from 100yds on the par-four 16th, stroke index 1, for five points and won division 2 with 39 in total.  Jim Lane was second with 35 points and in third place came Mr No Car Andy Baber on 29.

Near pins went to Toi Blair, Mikael Andersson, Bill Bertram, Chris Voller, Josie Monks, Bill Bertram and Joe Kubon.