Bill Copeland’s successful return to Pattaya links

Winner at Laem Chabang, Bill Copeland.

PSC Links Golf Society

Monday, Nov.23
Laem Chabang A+B

It was a case of ‘millionaires’ golf when we threw in an extra day on our schedule to play Laem Chabang on a Monday, to take advantage of a special offer of 1900 baht all-in.

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With the welcome return of some ‘old’ regulars, we sent the first of our three four ball’s away ahead of schedule from the ‘scary’ A1 tee.

The golf course is in wonderful condition right now with hardly a blemish anywhere. And those greens! looking and playing beautifully.

There was a nice little breeze at the start, but that seemed to disappear as the round went on, and conditions became quite warm.

Bill Copeland has been playing some pretty good golf at the Siam courses recently and this course today suited him nicely. An excellent score of 38 points put him on top of the leaderboard.

Ron Dickie, a member here at Laem Chabang, returned to play with us after winning the day at his last appearance. An excellent game to be able to play to his handicap of #7, and score 36 points, took him to second place on countback.

Michael Blumhagen plays off #10 and, at his first time playing this course scored 36 points also, just missing out on the countback to Ron.

George Mueller gets a mention most games and he won a countback over playing partner Wayne Peppernell to take fourth place with 34 points.


Winners at Laem Chabang

1st Place – Bill Copeland (12) – 38 pts

2nd Place – Ron Dickie (7) – 36 pts c/back

3rd Place – Michael Blumhagen (10) – 36 pts

4th Place – George Mueller (14) – 34 pts

It is sad that a great course had so few players out today, not good for the golf club, but good for us while it lasts. We hope to do the extra day next month to come back here if there is a good price offered again.

While on the subject of ‘millionaire’s golf, four players went to Bangpra on Tuesday Nov. 24 where, again, there were very few players out. My caddie told me that we were the first customers for the day, so far, so consequently, we had an easy round to finish in well under four hours.

Our numbers were small today as many who played at Laem Chabang will play at the PAGS comp on Wednesday, so needed a break between games. Except George. We can only spread the few players so far.

Bangpra is probably in the best condition we have seen for many a day, or year. Those famous greens are not as quick as a few years ago, but looked as smooth as silk and ran truly with pace.

It took some time, but we finally got the booking done to return to Bangpra on Dec. 8, so the great conditions we found today should well and truly be the same then.