Birthday boy a winner


The Backyard Golf Society

Well, low season is here now as can be judged by groups without a booking just turning up and managing to slip in between the Backyard Boys and the Beaver Bar players, but the round itself was really quite quick last Friday.  Emerald continues to present a range of conditions, with some places lush green and others badly on need of water.

We had 3 groups out and the winner of the main competition was the birthday boy, ‘Golden Trowel’s Boyfriend’, with a better back 9 than ‘The Quiet Man’.  Near-pin was a fizzer, the windy conditions meaning no one managed to stay on the par-3, 15th green.

The big winner in the skins was ‘Irish John’ with 10, followed by 2 each to Mickey The Yak, Dan “The Diet Whiskey Man” and Golden Trowel’s Boyfriend.  Russell “He’s a Victorian” won one and there was one rolled over to next week’s game.