Blackburn & Herridge on top at Treasure Hill


PSC Golf from the Café Kronborg

Monday, January 30, Treasure Hill – Stableford

There had been overnight rain and the sky was overcast but as usual we were confident of fine weather and had it not been for yet another annoying “no show” we would have had a full field of 40 for the challenging Treasure Hill Golf & Country Club.

Hearty welcomes were handed out to Peter Sindberg from Denmark, Jacky Wan from Hong Kong & Pierre Zbinden and Noy Phintam from Nairobi, Kenya.

Mike Herridge.Mike Herridge.

We arrived at the course to find the checking in area quite busy with lots of people arriving at the same time.  There was no rush for us though and after waiting for a couple of groups to tee off we sent our first group 15 minutes ahead of schedule.  Once more the course continues to improve with lots of work going on and the greens were excellent and at times very quick.  The pace was good and after a drink break on the second nine we managed to finish our round in four hours & fifteen minutes.

Most found the going tough on the day as there were only two golfers that managed to play better than their handicap.  After slowly improving over the past few weeks your writer found some good form and managed to win A Flight with 39 points from Ken (let’s hear it for) Bernek in second place on 37 points.  There were three players on 35 points so after a count back third place went to Richard Kubicki (20 point back nine) with Peter Hammond (16 point back nine) fourth and Rob Brown (15 point back nine) in fifth place.

Another count back for sixth place saw four golfers with 34 points with Niels Hansen (21 point back nine) easing out Takeshi Hakozaki (19 point back nine), Mike Gosden (15 point back nine) and Leif Kirkgaard (15 point back nine).

Ken Bernek & Chris Walsh.Ken Bernek & Chris Walsh.

Mike Herridge was victorious in B Flight with 36 points ahead of Elias Magnusson in second spot with 35 points.  Three players on 34 points saw another count back with Bo Cardwell (18 point back nine) taking third place from Pierre Zbinden (16 point back nine) fourth and Jan Lovgreen (15 point back nine) in fifth place.  Yet one more count back gave Bjarne Kjaer (17 point back nine) sixth place with veteran Hugh O’Donnell (13 point back nine) just missing out with his 33 points.

Poor old Dick Braimbridge is still trying to find some of his form from yesteryear but to his credit is sticking with it although once more being the recipient of the Compass Cap (the day’s worst score).

A Flight (0-20)

1st Peter Blackburn (13) 39pts

2nd Ken Bernek (19) 37pts

3rd Richard Kubicki (14) 35pts

4th Peter Hammond (20) 35pts

5th Rob Brown (8) 35pts

6th Niels Hansen (15) 34pts

B Flight (21+)

1st Mike Herridge (24) 36pts

2nd Elias Magnusson (23) 35pts

3rd Bo Cardwell (31) 34pts

4th Pierre Zbinden (21) 34pts

5th Jan Lovgreen (23) 34pts

6th Bjarne Kjaer (21) 33pts

Near Pins:  2nd Don Richardson; 6th Ken Bernek; 13th Ulla Ravn; 17th Eddie Glinsek

Long Putts:  9th Mike Winfield; 18th Jacky Wan

Peter Blackburn, Bo Cardwell, Dave Richardson & Richard Kubicki.Peter Blackburn, Bo Cardwell, Dave Richardson & Richard Kubicki.

Wednesday,February 1,Wangjuntr – Stableford

This was a first time for most of us to the Wangjuntr complex and today we elected to play the Valley layout.  After an overnight cancellation we were left with a good Wednesday field of 27 golfers and we welcomed Mike Deverell from London and Mike Gaussa, paying us another visit from Tropical Berts.

The journey here is a fairly long one and after departing the Kronny we arrived at Wangjuntr one hour & twenty minutes later.  The weather was great and the course looking ominous for us first timers and we sent the three-ball away first.

There were many positives to come out of our excursion and unfortunately a couple of negatives.  As stated before, the course was awesome and in fine condition and although the greens were massive & undulating they were in terrific condition.  On the down side there were no drinks available on the course and on such a hot day this was somewhat of a drawback and also many of the caddies were extremely inexperienced; in fact none of the caddies in our group knew which way to go to the second tee from the first green.  Fortunately a couple of golfers in our group had played the course before so we eventually got on the right track.

Apart from the lengthy walks from some greens to the next tees there were no other delays as the course was very quiet but it was nonetheless a five hour round.  Most of the field enjoyed the experience and look forward to returning and having seen the “lie of the land” are very confident of much improved efforts.

The difficulty of the course was apparent on the day as 33 points was the best score that any of us could muster.  Ken Bernek took out the A Flight with 32 points, 2 points ahead of Stu Rifkin in second place.  A count back was necessary to determine third & fourth spots with Mike Gosden (17 point back nine) edging out Mike Deverell (14 point back nine), both having 29 points.  Yours truly (15 point back nine, 9 points last 6, 6 points last 3 holes managed to secure 5th place in a count back on 28 points from Mike Gaussa (15 point back nine, 9 points last 6 & 4 points last 3 holes.

The B Flight was won by Chris Walsh with 33 points, with Bo Cardwell close behind in second place with 32 points.  In another count back on 30 points Bjarne Kjaer (16 point back nine) finished third with Henry Wong (11 point back nine) in fourth spot.  Veteran Kevin Dinan finished in fifth place with 28 points.

A Flight (0-19)

1st Ken Bernek (19) 32pts

2nd Stu Rifkin (14) 30pts

3rd Mike Gosden (11) 29pts

4th Mike Deverell (17) 29pts

5th Peter Blackburn (13) 28pts

B Flight (20+)

1st Chris Walsh (22) 33pts

2nd Bo Cardwell (31) 32pts

3rd Bjarne Kjaer (21) 30pts

4th Henry Wong (23) 30pts

5th Kevin Dinan (24) 28pts

Near Pins:  6th Walter Baechli; 8th Mike Herridge; 13th Mike Gaussa; 15th Mike Gaussa

Long Putts:  9th Ken Bernek; 18th Leif Kirkgaard

Thursday,February 2,Mountain Shadow – Stableford

Another good field of 34 golfers were signed up to take on the challenge of one of our favourite courses, Mountain Shadow and we welcomed Martin Hennerberger from Vancouver, Canada, Terry Pettitt from Surrey, England & Ing Magnerdsson from Iceland.

We arrived at our destination to find the course reasonably busy.  As has been the policy of late, we sent a couple of three-balls off first and the first one hit in fine but overcast conditions.  The course was as usual in excellent shape and the greens splendid although some were a tad slower than normal.

As the skies grew darker and thunder & lightning appeared it was necessary to take shelter for around 15 minutes just past the half way mark but the rain soon cleared and we were able to continue without any further delays.  Even with the delay we completed our full round in four hours and twenty minutes.

A couple of 42 point rounds meant a count back was necessary to determine the winner of A Flight and Tricky Dicky Kubicki (23 point back nine) emerged victorious, with Rob Brown (20 point back nine) taking second spot.  Peter Sindberg finished third with 40 points ahead of veteran Don Richardson in fourth place on 39 points.  In a count back for fifth & sixth places yours truly (17 point back nine) edged out Leif Kirkgaard (16 point back nine), both having 34 points.

There is just no stopping eight and a half month pregnant Bo Cardwell who had a great 41 points and won the B Flight from Kjeld Ravn with 39 points.  Bo reckons that this will be her last win for a while but only because the arrival of the baby is imminent and we all wish her well for that.  In third place was Elias Magnusson with 37 points and in a count back for fourth & fifth the consistent winner of the fashion award Bjarne Kjaer (20 point back nine) finished ahead of Peter Hammond (18 point back nine), both on 36 points.  Yet another count back was necessary to determine sixth place and Noy Phintham (20 point back nine) prevailed over Ulla Ravn (14 point back nine) both with 34 points.

A Flight (0-19)

1st Richard Kubicki (14) 42pts

2nd Rob Brown (8) 42pts

3rd Peter Sindberg (14) 40pts

4th Don Richardson (13) 39pts

5th Peter Blackburn (13) 34pts

6th Leif Kirkgaard (19) 34pts

B Flight (20+)

1st Bo Cardwell (31) 41pts

2nd Kjeld Ravn (21 39pts

3rd Elias Magnusson (23) 37pts

4th Bjarne Kjaer (21) 36pts

5th Peter Hammond (20) 36pts

6th Noy Phintham (20) 34pts

Near Pins:  5th Pekka Mustonen; 8th Noy Phintham; 15th Peter Sindberg; 17th Richard Kubicki

Long Putts:  9th Eddie Glinsek; 18th Pekka Mustonen

The Compass Cap (awarded for worst score on the day) was awarded to Eddie (The Eagle) Glinsek and Hunter paraded Deefa the Dog who once more collected many donations to charity from the ever generous Kronny crew.