The boys are back in town


The Backyard Golf Society

After a couple of months without reports the Backyard Boys are back in print.  The low attendance at our regular games and the general lack of non-golfing items to describe resulted in the recent demise of the weekly rant but last Friday’s game at Emerald saw a better turn-out.

The winner was Beaker Larsen, recently returned from a cruise in the North Sea.  The near-pin (which is now rotated through all 4 of the par 3s) was a rollover with no one managing to find and stay on the surface at the 14th hole.

The skins were dominated by the silver teed maestro Jimmy ‘2 Stone’, who notched 9 skins in total.  Both Beaker and our only indigenous member K. Watthathwat won 4 and Owen (who took to wheezing like an old steam traction engine after struggling up a short incline) won the final one on the 18th.

The hot weather certainly makes a round a trial of endurance but hopefully we will see a few more lads turning up over the next few months, before the high season scourge arrives again.