Broken ankles and yellow Ferraris


The Backyard Golf Society

Being that our regular writer is still absent it has been left to the Foos to pick up the slack again.  Our depleted gang of six set out at the Emerald last Friday, Feb. 27, at 8:30am, a little earlier than normal and we caught up with the groups in front of us quite quickly, however there was a genuine explanation for the slow play in front as one of the golfers had fallen down a hole and broken his ankle… Ouch!

The weather conditions were humid with some light rain at the turn.  It was noticeable there were less people on the course this week, maybe low season is about to kick in.  This always makes our group happy.

The winner on the day with 35 points was Dan ‘the Diet Whisky man’, beating the Victorian by one point.  The rest of us were left trailing in their wakes by 10 points or more.

Mickey ‘the Yak’ took the near pin while the skins were divided as follows: The Diet Whisky man took five, the Quiet man had four, three apiece for the Victorian and the Foos, two skins for the Yak and the Biss won one skin.

Our favourite cashier at our local disappeared in a yellow Ferrari earlier in the week.  I wonder if she’s hit the jackpot.  We will miss her and wish her well.  Here’s to Gypsy Rose Lee.