Brooks & King conquer the Mountain


PSC Golf from the Tropical Golf Group

Tuesday, Feb. 8, The Emerald – Stableford

Let me say before we get into the report real, that this is not one of my favourite courses.  We have many happy hours discussing whether it is a really extra tough course or a Nick Faldo course that is built by a genius.  And built for low handicap golfers!

I suppose if you were a low handicapper, as some of our players are, you would go into raptures about how it is designed so that every shot tests your ability, with the ball always on a slope either above or below your feet.  Then, when you reach a green, you nearly always have a really testing shot to a putting surface that is way above your head.  There’s also lots of jungle all around that surely hold all sorts of nasty wildlife, but it’s fine to look at as long as you don’t have to go into it.

Doug Maiko and Paul Weatherly.

A few years ago I could appreciate all this great design skill but these days I just want to hit a ball and bimble around and smell the roses.  Hitting nearly every ball off a lie that is not level holds no joy and hitting up to a green that returns my ball to my feet is no longer a thing I look forward to.  To top it all, the ground on this day was like concrete and impossible for one of meager talents to get the ball up, and totally battered my hands.

So to the game, we moved well but after a while it was obvious that the course was going to win and as we all struggled to score we noted the number of G.U.R. markers around the course with bare patches.  This was a tough day.  Even our single handicappers struggled.  The greens were so dry and fast that at times they were totally unplayable and three and four puts abounded.

Back at BJ’s we got into the results and it was soon apparent that the scores were to be the worst for a long time and much discussion was held about the greens, not for a long time have we all struggled so much.

Landis Brooks (left) with George King.

In the A Flight, 0 to 16, we had the best scores and the winner with 34 points was Doug Maiko, ahead of a count back on 33 points that saw Tommy Marshall in second and Maurice Roberts in third.

In the B Flight the winner was Mike Gerrard with 30 points while another count back on 29 points was required to put Tom McDowell in second and Paul Weatherly third.

Near Pins: Maurice Roberts, AVD, Doug Maiko (2).

Long Putts: Joseph, Daryl Evans

Friday, Feb 12, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

It was a bustling morning at BJ’s Holiday Lodge as a full roster of 31 golfers assembled for food, caffeine, and ride assignments.  The destination was Mountain Shadow, and despite the large group there were cars for all.

Mountain Shadow is a fairly tough course as we will see from the scores.  Overall condition was fair to good, with a few too many dry fairway areas, and greens in pretty good condition.  Someday they might prime and paint the pyramid at the entrance, doing wonders for the welcome impression.

The course was busy this day with several groups and tours playing, but the pace of play was acceptable for such a busy day.  With so many golfers it would be hard to get mentioned, but some made the climb!

Landis Brooks (H/cap 8) has been ‘Mr. Consistent’ lately and he was at it again in A-Flight (0-17) with a fine 35 points to take the win.  Brian Parish (12) was close behind with 34 and Maurice Roberts (11) won on count-back over the colorful Walter Baechli (17) at 32 points.

B-Flight (18+) saw George King (24) return the best score of the day with 36 points.  Next came Graham Buckingham (25) earning a fine 35 points using his unique swing, with Mick Coghlan (22) and Barry Oats (22) close behind at 34.

Near Pins: John Davis, Tommy Marshall, Brian Parish, Walter Baechli, Barry Oats (2), Graham Buckingham, Dick Warberg.

Long Putts:  Rita Zoebeli, Daryl Evans.