Bruce & Browne take the honours


Phoenix Tuesday/Friday Golf Group

Tuesday, November 8, Phoenix – Stableford

Well into the high season now and with the threat of storms gone we experienced a full house today on the Mountain and Lake course, which is now getting back to its best after a very poor run of about 4 months of inferior conditions.  At last we could say with confidence “no winter rules in place today.”  Strange really when you think about it, it is now winter – best time of the year here.

Today, with so many players, we divided the field into two flights with the split coming at 17 handicap.

In A flight our winner was Albert Bruce with 39 points, with yours truly (Mike Gerrard) in second place with 38 points and John Stafford in third with 34.

Tuesday’s winners pose with the staff at The Relax Bar. Tuesday’s winners pose with the staff at The Relax Bar.

The B flight was won by Patrick Browne with 36 points, with Bob Neylon claiming second with 34 to push Derek Bannerman into third (on count back) also with 34.

The winner of the KPK Food Services voucher went to Patrick Browne (shown in the photo with his impish grin) with the KPK hat going to Albert Bruce as a consolation because he has not played enough times to qualify for the voucher.  (Sadly I am not allowed to claim it either).

We did place out 4 near pin markers, and unfortunately they were not returned by the last group, so we put the prizes into the lucky draw.  This meant 7 lucky draw prizes much to the delight of the players who had not already won something.  (Another little rule in our group – any major winners or near pin winners do not get entered into the lucky draw).

Our hosts The Relax Bar (owner Ung and staff with their menu advert in photo) always donate two of the lucky draw prizes each week and along with the other 5 it did not leave many players without some sort of reward.  Indeed everyone that returns to the presentation gets the first drink free out of the days takings, costed at a preferential rate by the bar owners.

Next week we have our new sponsor, Nemo’s Music Lounge donating the 500 baht voucher for the best score and we will play a straight stableford.

We start at 12.00 noon every Tuesday and Friday and anyone wishing to join us, please contact me on 087 091 7565 to find out if there is space available.  It is preferred by the group that anyone wishing to play should be reasonably proficient and hold a current official handicap.

Our fishing section is also very busy now with the next two trips full.  The next available dates are the 10th and 24th of December, and thereafter the second and fourth Saturday of the month.