Buchanan leads the way


The Growling Swan Golf Society

Monday, Nov. 14,
Mt. Shadow – Stableford.

1st Keith Buchanan (15) 40pts

2nd Bill Steinmann (12) 36pts

3rd Ebrahim Al-Ansari (16) 35pts

4th Colin Stielow (28) 33pts

Keith Buchanan.
Keith Buchanan.

Near Pins: 5th Mike Johns, 8th Don Richardson, 15th Bill Steinmann, 17th John Anderson

Long Putts: 9th Bill McGarvie, 18th Bill MacGarvie

On a somber note two of our favorite golfers are battling some very serious health issues at the moment and the terrible thing is, since I last mentioned it their condition has gone backwards.  To Ernie Picken and Mike Gosden we all wish you the very best.

It was a lovely morning on Monday, not a cloud in the sky and no threat of rain as 17 golfers boarded the buses to head out to the popular Mountain Shadow course.  When we got there we found it was quite warm, however a gentle breeze made playing conditions pleasant.

The greens as per usual were tricky and parts of some fairways were drier than an AA meeting.  With the numbers being the way they were we played only the one flight.

Keith Buchanan set the pace and came in first past the post with a tidy 40 points from his handicap of 15.  Bill Steinmann took second four points back with Ebrahim and Colin Stielow filling third and fourth spots respectively.

Thursday, Nov. 17, Greenwood A & C – Stableford

A Flight (0-14)

1st Don Richardson (14) 37pts

2nd Bill Steinmann (12) 37pts

3rd Eric Black (14) 35pts

B Flight (15–22)

1st Alex Field (16) 39pts

2nd Mashi Kaneta (15) 37pts

3rd Geoff Bracegirdle (16) 36pts

C Flight (23–36)

1st John Anderson (29) 38pts

2nd Pat Kavanagh (28) 34pts

3rd Peter Grey (36) 32pts

Near Pins: A2 Ian Ripley, A6 Andrew Allen, C3 Sal Brizzi, C6 Roger Ellis.

Long Putts: A9 Graham Rice, C9 Fred Dineley.

Over 30 players made their way to Greenwood for today’s game and the course and weather proved enjoyable to most, although it did get a little hotter as the day wore on.

Several players played better than their handicaps, possibly due to the advantage of playing from the yellow front markers.  This was necessary as the ground was soft with little run.

Peter Grey was having his best score ever and enjoying his round with the fun caddies and playing partners JJ Harney, Fred Dineley and Stu Rifkin.  Playing the long 18th par-4, he chipped on for his third and was promptly informed by JJ that he just incurred a two shot penalty.  Totally perplexed he asked what rule had now been invented that would have cost him two shots (and a possible podium finish).  JJ answered “Because I hit your ball, so you must have hit mine”…… Well it’s a wonder people in Bangkok didn’t hear the expletives and curses that Peter rained down on ‘Smiling Assassin’ JJ Harney!

With today’s numbers we ran with 3 flights.  A Flight saw Don Richardson and Bill Steinmann take it down to the wire and the count back system was called upon.  It was The Don that came up trumps over Bill while Eric ‘the Judge’ Black (in his last appearance) took third place honors.

B Flight saw Alex Field yet again take the top spot, with Mashi Kaneta coming second ahead of Geoff Bracegirdle.

C Flight was won by John Anderson, finishing a few shots ahead of second place getter Pat Kavanagh while Peter Grey took third place despite his penalty.  To say he was surprised was an understatement as he was convinced that JJ was playing the conspiracy game!