The Jomtien Golf Society
Monday, Nov. 5, Greenwood – Stableford
As we pulled into the clubhouse today there were only four cars in the parking area. We were allocated the A and C nines and were on the first tee 30 minutes early, but it still turned into a very slow round due to the two groups in front.
Thirty-seven points was the highest score of the day, with Steve Harris posting that to win division 2. John Rattray was second on 33 and Dave Howden came in third after beating William Chang on a 17/15 countback, both on 32 points.
Steve Godfrey won division 1, edging Paul Young a 17/14 on the back nine after they both came in with 33 points and a 17/13 back nine countback saw Neil Gamble beat his arch-rival Chris Slota into third place after they both scored 31 points.
There were some tough par-3s out there today with only two winners near pin winners in each division: Paul Young on A6 and Dave Chan C6 and in division 2, John Rattray A6 and Willy Van Heetvelde C3. There were no two’s today in either division.
Wednesday, Nov. 7, Crystal Bay – Stableford
Yet again the management here still have no idea when the A course will reopen so it was the B and C nines today.
Some high scores were returned with Paul Butler winning division 2 on 42 points. Gerry Cooke scored 26 points on the front nine and on the back nine with five one-pointers he came in second with 38, Alan Bissell took third on 34 and Willy Van Heetvelde was fourth with 32.
Neil Gamble topped the podium in division 1 with 38 points, Pete Sumner, in his last game, comes in second with 36 and Ron Miller beat Bob Poole for third place on an 18/17 countback after they both came in with 35 points.
Near pins went to (Div 1) Dave Chan, Per Forsberg, Ron Miller and Paul Young, and (Div 2) Paul Butler, Gerry Cooke and Willy van Heetvelde.
Marty Rock birdied B4 in division 1 and in division 2 with two rollovers Paul Butler birdied B7 and Gerry Cooke B6 to split the ‘2’s pot.
Friday, Nov. 9,
Eastern Star – Stableford
After five holes a few spots of rain came down and it became a little heavier but nothing drastic and no stops in the round.
We had a 12-17 and 18+ cut today and with 36 points Ron Lavette won division 2 while Frank Kelly took second after beating Glyn Evans on a 17/15 countback, both on 35 points overall. Dave Howden was fourth with 32.
After a handicap reduction after Wednesday’s round, Paul Butler won division 1 with 34 points, Per Forsberg was second on 32, Paul Young third on 30 and Bob Comartin fourth with 29.
Near pins were claimed by (Div 1) Paul Young (2) and (Div 2) Glyn Evans and Gil Phillips (2).
No ‘2’s in the top fight but Gerry Cooke birdied the 6th and Glyn Evans the 17th to split the division 2 pot.