Camel charity golf tourney raises record amount for Camillian Center


Saturday 23 June, one week after their most successful charity golf tournament to date, the organising committee for the Camel Summer Charity Classic of 2012 travelled the short distance from Banchang to the Camillian Social Center in Rayong to present the Camillians with the final amount raised from the tournament, an amazing THB 800,170.

This amount raised was made possible through the participation of almost 200 golfers, the support of the Emerald Golf Course and the generosity of so many willing sponsors, companies and individuals, some who have been supporting the tournament through the years and as always, some new sponsors.

The Camel Classic Organising Committee wish to express their sincere gratitude to all who made this a truly memorable tournament and result.

Members of the organising committee for the Camel Summer Charity Classic of 2012 present a cheque for THB 800,170 to the children and coordinators of the Camillian Social Center in Rayong. Members of the organising committee for the Camel Summer Charity Classic of 2012 present a cheque for THB 800,170 to the children and coordinators of the Camillian Social Center in Rayong.